The recital of my life ❤️ The first and most exciting. 🎶

in voilk •  3 months ago

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    Music is always present in my life. Although I don't like to dance, music is present in every moment, when I design, when I write, on my walks, everywhere.

    I don't like all the songs of all the authors and groups. Generally I like one song from one singer, another from another and so on.

    But there are exceptions to that rule and among them one of my favourite artists is Chayanne. I could never go to one of his concerts, mostly because of financial reasons.

    But if I have to name a group whose songs I like, one of those groups is La Oreja de Van Gogh.

    I started listening to them when their previous vocalist Amaia Montero was still around. I always listened to their songs, every album, every lyric, every melody and I knew them all by heart.

    Then the vocalist changed, Leire Martínez, and I liked the band even more. Although I'm sure many will like the previous singer.

    In my case I loved the voice of this new woman and their new albums as well.


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    The thing is that I got the news that they would be touring in Argentina. It was 2014. And I also knew that one of the places where they would be singing would be in my city Bahía Blanca.

    I had never been able to go to a concert before and I was really looking forward to this one. I saved the necessary money. But not only to attend myself, but also to invite my mother, who also loves the band.

    The show would be in May 2014 and I was super excited. It would take place at the Don Bosco Theatre in the city.

    I bought both tickets, but the ones for the cheapest seats. I didn't care about that, I just wanted to be there and listen to them. My illusion was enormous, I counted the days for the event.



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    The day came, it was winter and it was freezing outside. My mother and I stood in a long queue waiting to get in.

    But we noticed that there was a lot of security, more than expected for these events. Police everywhere with long guns and shields.

    We realised that something was not right. The problem would be that those of us who had tickets for the front box area could not get in, as the inspection of the place was not regular and the theatre was forbidden to let people in.

    There were protests, very loud demonstrations from all the people who were left out of the show.

    Such was the noise and protest of all of us who were there that it was heard inside the theatre, where the rest of the people were already seated to see the concert begin.

    The manager of the band La Oreja de Van Gogh heard the cries of the people and came to see what was going on. He was the one who asked us what we wanted to do, if we wanted the event to be cancelled.

    It wasn't fair what was happening, so the concert was cancelled and I was very sad.

    They promised to come back, but I didn't know if it would come true. Also, it took a lot of effort to get the theatre to refund the tickets. But after much complaining they did.



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    To my pleasant surprise, after a few months I received the news of the new performance: it would be on 24 November of the same year.

    But in a sports club, the Club Estudiantes. Imagine my joy, it was enormous.

    I bought the tickets again, this time a little better than the previous ones, and the whole event went off without a hitch.

    I assure you that I remember that day at that moment with great emotion: The first recital of my life and so far the only one, but it was so exciting that I will never forget it.

    When I was looking through my records I realised that I had mostly videos that I had filmed with the phone I had at the time. They are not great footage, mainly because I zoomed in to focus better and I had little idea of filming.

    I never thought I would share this with anyone, these memories to this day were only for me. But I decided to share them with all of you.


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    I managed to salvage bits and pieces of this footage as some of it was damaged. It's been 10 years since that day and I can't believe it... 10 years!

    I didn't take many pictures either, I think I was too excited and forgot a lot of things that day, I just lived the moment. And it was for me one of the most important.

    At that moment I only had eyes and ears for them and I enjoyed it to the fullest. I was very happy that day, very happy.

    And today I come to share that special day with all of you.

    A big hug and see you next time.

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    The filming and photographs are my property.
    Editing of photos and separators made by me in Photoshop
    Video edited in After Effects
    All the music is what was playing at the time of the show.
    Used translator free version

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