⭐Alice, the painter + Rising Star Opening Pack + Purchase of a unique card + Stats⭐

in voilk •  22 days ago



    made with canva.


    This is the story of Alice.

    In the capital of Estonia, a baby named Alice was born. Since she was a child, she spent hours and hours singing, dreaming of being a singer. She came from an upper-middle class family, her parents were in the real estate industry and the financial sector. Therefore, little Alice spent little time with her parents for much of her life.

    Throughout her school career, from primary to secondary school, Alice tried again and again to get noticed on social networks, events, etc. but something was wrong inside her, her voice was that of a simple, normal girl, everything very ordinary and ordinary. So simply when she came back from school, busy and tired, she would unhappily paint, whenever she had a bad time she would start painting.

    There came a time when she had a fateful school day and she went straight to painting, she no longer thought about singing or training her voice. From that moment on, she spent hours until she realized that it was already late and she hadn't had lunch. She had immersed herself in her painting, in a talent that she hadn't realized yet.

    When she realized that, as a simple joke she passed a photo to one of her closest friends and she uploaded it to social media. That photo exploded. Many people wanted to know who had done it, it was a great painting. Alice couldn't believe what was happening, it was something unheard of for her, her friend's Instagram was filled with messages.

    When she left high school, her life changed radically. She no longer wanted to continue dedicating herself to or trying to sing. She had realized that painting was her thing, the place or refuge where everything went well, everything suited her, she didn't feel nervous, crises or anything negative.

    From that moment on, Alice spent hours painting, she made trips to different museums and artistic events to see the work done by other famous people in the environment.

    Currently my account consists of:


    Today I decided to open packs (I clarify that it was after taking the status screenshots) so I'm going to show you what I got:




    This opening of letters was nothing shocking, everything was more than normal.

    Apart from this, I'm also going to buy a UNIQUE card (that is, I don't have it in my collection) to improve little by little and it's the following:


    If you are interested in playing RisingStar, here is my referral link

    You can also join the official discord server to chat with other players and resolve all your doubts through the following link




    Esta es la historia de Alice.

    En la Capital de Estonia habia nacido una bebe llamada Alice. Desde niña pasaba horas y horas cantando, soñaba con ser cantante. Provenia de una familia de clase media - alta, sus padres se dedicaban a la industria inmobiliaria y al sector financiero. Por ello, la pequeña Alice pasaba poco tiempo con sus padres durante gran transcurso de su vida.

    En todo su trayecto escolar, desde la primaria hasta la secundaria, Alice intentaba una y otra vez lograr difundirse en redes sociales, eventos, etc. pero algo fallaba dentro de si, su voz era la de una simple chica normal, todo muy comun y corriente. Por lo que simplemente al volver ajetreada y cansada de la escuela, se desdichaba mendiante la pintura, siempre que la pasaba mal comenzaba a pintar.

    Llego un momento en el que tuvo un fatidico dia escolar y fue directamente a pintar, ya no pensaba en cantar ni entrenar su voz.
    Desde ese momento estuvo horas hasta que se dio cuenta que ya era tarde y no habia almorzado, se habia inmerso en su pintura, en un talento que todavia no se habia dado cuenta.

    Al darse cuenta de eso, como simple chiste le paso una foto a una de sus amigas mas cercanas y esta la subio a redes sociales. Esa foto exploto. Muchas personas querian saber quien la habia realizado, era una gran pintura. Alice no creia lo que estaba sucediendo, era algo inaudito para ella, se llenaba de mensajes el instagram de su amiga.

    Al salir de la secundaria, su vida cambio radicalmente, ya no queria seguir dedicandose o intentando el canto. Se habia dado cuenta que lo suyo era la pintura, el lugar o el refugio donde todo transitaba bien, todo le caia bien, no sentia nervios, crisis ni nada negativo.

    Desde ese momento Alice pasaba horas pintando, hacia viajes a diferentes museos y eventos artisticos para conocer los trabajos realizados por otras personas famosas dentro del ambiente.

    Actualmente mi cuenta consta de:



    Hoy decidi hacer una apertura de packs (aclaro que fue despues de tomar las capturas de status) por lo que voy a mostrarles que me salio:




    Esta apertura de cartas no tuvo nada impactante, todo fue mas que normal.

    aparte de esto tambien voy a comprar 1 carta UNICA (Es decir que no la tengo en mi coleccion) para ir mejorando de a poco y es la siguiente:


    Si te interesa jugar a RisingStar te dejo mi link de referido

    También puedes unirte al servidor oficial de discord para chatear con otros jugadores y resolver todas tus dudas a través del siguiente enlace

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