Musical Reflections, Music News, Buying New Cards, Progress, Rising Star.

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Greetings my dear and appreciated friends, It is a real pleasure to greet you on this splendid day. I am delighted to welcome you to our new publication, where we will dive into my latest news related to our beloved game, Rising Star.

    But before we dive into the details, I'd like to share with you some opinions and thoughts on recent musical happenings that are making waves in the music world. And in my personal case they have caught my attention. Without further ado, let's get started.


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    Today I want to share with you a piece of news that will undoubtedly make many people happy, I am referring to the long awaited release of the fifth studio album of the talented Spanish musician Carlos Sadness, entitled "Realismo Mágico". This was released a few days ago and today I want to tell you all its details.

    I begin by saying that since the announcement of the arrival of this new work, the anticipation and anticipation have been palpable both in social networks as well as in various forums and blogs. And all this is not for less, since Sadness has demonstrated throughout his career an exceptional ability to create melodies that not only entertain, but also inspire and move. I personally have listened to several of his previous albums and can affirm this.

    What stands out most in this album is the evolution of Sadness' musical style. While it retains characteristic elements that have made him a benchmark of indie pop in Spanish, "Realismo Mágico" also shows us a more mature and experimental side of the artist. Throughout the twelve tracks that make up the album, we can perceive a rich combination of sounds and textures that reflect the versatility and depth of his talent. At least that's how I see it, as you know everyone has their own opinion and musical tastes. And that is undoubtedly beautiful. Because it creates variety.

    I can also say that one of the jewels of this album are the collaborations with outstanding artists such as Ximena Sariñana, Carla Morrison and Melissa Robles. Each of these collaborations adds an extra dimension to the compositions, enriching the listener's listening and emotional experience. I personally love it when a man and a woman sing together, as it creates a very special feeling.

    We also can't stop talking about the message that this new work brings with it. According to what I have been able to learn from the lyrics of the songs, this album invites us to stop and contemplate the beauty that surrounds us. Through emotionally charged lyrics, Sadness reminds us of the importance of kindness, tenderness and empathy in our lives. Something that is undoubtedly very important.

    Well dear friends of Rising Star, this is the musical news I wanted to tell you today. The time has come to show you my latest news in the game. Without further ado, let's continue.

    Buying new cards in Rising Star


    New day friends and as you know it's time for one of my favorite sections of the day, I mean in which I talk about my most recent purchases in the game. Today I have bought 3 new cards. I must tell you that I am collecting these cards so I have not looked at their price for features but simply because I like them. They have a low price so they can be very useful for you to buy. But for you to know them I am going to give you all their details:


    The first card of the day is called: 48 Jack. I thought this card was funny so I couldn't resist adding it to my collection. It is a common card that offers me a total of 10 fans. But not only that but also 5 skill. Most common cards have these same characteristics.


    The price as I told you in the intro of this section is very cheap, because for only 1828 starbits you can buy it in the game market. I see it as a good option to increase the fans at a low price. You can buy them in quantity.

    The personalized phrase of this card is: A simple name for an extravagant performer!"


    Now it's my turn to tell you about the second card I bought today. I liked this one because of the artist playing the trumpet, haha, don't ask me why I found it interesting. I just liked the card. That's the magic of rising Star. It's called: 51 Joson. Well this card is common and it brings me 10 more fans. The difference between this one and the previous one is that it only has 1 skill point while the other one had 5.


    The price is a little lower, I guess because of the lack of the 4 skill 1712 starbits. Like the other one it is a good option to increase your fans at a low price if you buy them in quantity. The custom phrase on this card is "Doesn't like to blow his own trumpet so he learned the trombone!" You know this phrase made me laugh a little haha.


    Finally the last card I bought today arrives. This one is called 37 Dave. This one like the 2 previous ones has 10 fans, and like the last one 1 skill. In total between the 3 have given me 30 fans and 7 skill. I see it very well for some cards that I only bought to collect.


    As for the price this is the cheapest of all, even having the same characteristics of the previous one. I bought it for only 1438 starbits. Like the others it is a good option to raise the fans in case you buy them in quantity. The sentence of this card is: "Dave used to rave but now he can't even be bothered to shave!" haha, another funny sentence.

    My general progress.

    Well friends the end of the publication has arrived and as always I like to leave you my progress so you can follow my progress in the game, well without further delay I present them to you.

    My current level is: 37 with 467 Xp of 1850 completed. I'm getting closer to my goal of reaching level 40. Once I get there I will be able to do more quests on the second island. On the other hand my skill continues to increase day by day now I have 8838, I am preparing for the purchase of many fans.

    My current fans are 3933, My luck: 1514, My IM: 26. And my total collection of cards is: 191.


    Well friends this has been my post today. It has been a great pleasure to visit Buskeria today. See you in a new opportunity.

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