Hispaliterario 40. La víspera de Navidad / Christmas Eve

in voilk •  3 months ago

    El frío se colaba por las rendijas de la ventana, dibujando escarcha en el cristal y un nudo en la garganta de Lucas. El aroma a ponche y galletas de jengibre, que antes lo llenaba de alegría, ahora le recordaba las navidades pasadas, aquellas en las que su madre le contaba historias del Niño Jesús, de la osadía de san José y de los muñecos de nieve que cobraban vida.

    Observaba a su familia reunida alrededor de la mesa, sus rostros iluminados por las luces titilantes del árbol. Su padre, con los ojos hinchados, intentaba esbozar una sonrisa. La abuela, postrada en cama, los miraba con una ternura infinita. Era como si una sombra oscura se hubiera cernido sobre su hogar, ensombreciendo la magia de la Navidad.

    Al abrir su regalo, un pequeño oso de peluche, sintió una mano suave acariciarle el cabello. Era su abuela. "No soy tu madre, mi niño," susurró, su voz apenas se podía oír. "Pero siempre estaré contigo." Las lágrimas brotaron de sus ojos, calientes y saladas, mientras se aferraba al peluche, buscando en él un refugio contra la soledad.


    Christmas Eve

    The cold was seeping through the cracks in the window, drawing frost on the glass and a lump in Lucas' throat. The aroma of punch and gingerbread cookies, which once filled him with joy, now reminded him of Christmases past, the ones when his mother told him stories of flying reindeer and snowmen coming to life.

    He watched his family gathered around the table, their faces illuminated by the twinkling lights of the tree. Her father, puffy-eyed, was trying to muster a smile. Grandma, bedridden, looked at them with infinite tenderness. It was as if a dark shadow had fallen over their home, overshadowing the magic of Christmas.

    As she opened her present, a small teddy bear, she felt a soft hand stroke her hair. It was his grandmother. “I'm not your mother, my child,” she whispered, her voice barely a whisper. “But I will always be with you.” Tears welled in his eyes, hot and salty, as he clung to the stuffed animal, seeking in it a refuge from the loneliness.

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