El anillo. Microrrelato mystery Esp-Eng

in voilk •  last month



    Aquella tarde recibi una carta la cuál me notificaba que había recibido una herencia, la carta era remitida por el albacea de mi tia abuela.

    De haber sabido lo que iba a encontrar en ese viejo, húmedo y oscuro apartamento jamás hubiera aceptado venir, porque solo al llegar ya podía sentirme atrapada en aquel solitario lugar.

    El apartamento 24 quedaba en el tercer piso, debía subir varios escalones para llegar a el, ya que el viejo elevador para entonces no funcionaba.

    Todos en el lugar me miraban de forma extraña y pocos contestaban a mis saludos cordiales, pensé quizás que se trataba de personas tímidas que se les dificultaba socializar.

    No quería mudarme, pero el hecho de no pagar tanto dinero por una renta, fue algo muy tentador y a la final terminé en aquel viejo, húmedo y oscuro apartamento.

    Unas semanas después ya estaba instalada en el lugar, aún olía a encierro, así que abría las ventanas toda la mañana, para intentar tomar un poco de sol y ventilar aquel lugar.

    Ocupe la habitación de mi tía abuela, era espaciosa y elegante y con una vista maravillosa, era ideal para pasar mis noches oscuras y solitarias, aunque extrañamente sentía la sensación de que alguien me miraba.

    Una de esas noches de soledad me interese por su escaparate, así que fuí revisando cada uno de sus compartimientos, hasta llegar a la parte de arriba donde había un hermoso y antiguo joyero.

    Al abrirlo una música instrumental se hacía escuchar y al finalizar de está, el interior del joyero se abría en dos y terminaba de impresionar aquel terciopelo rojo, que recubría aquella pieza antigua.

    En la parte de abajo había un pequeño estuche y en este encontré, un hermoso anillo con una precioso diamante que me dejó encantada, así que decidí dejarlo puesto en mi dedo, como parte de mi herencia familiar.

    Esa noche mientras intentaba dormir alguien me despertó, era un hombre elegante que me miraba mientras dormía, su atuendo era antiguo y su mirada era cautivante.

    No sé cómo pasó pero él, me pidió elegir entre mi vida y la vida que tendría, sí decidía quedarme con el hermoso anillo de aquella piedra preciosa.

    El diamante del anillo empezó a brillar y me comenzó a mostrar mi nueva vida, había amor, deseo, fortuna y mucho antes de mostrarme el resto dije; -sí-.

    Él misterioso hombre me tomo en sus brazos y me llevo consigo, mostrándome lo que faltaba de aquella vida con el anillo, dolor, soledad y muerte, el precio por ese anillo había sido el más costoso que una persona puede pagar, el costo había sido pagado con mí propia y valiosa vida.

    ! [English]

    The ring

    That afternoon I received a letter notifying me that I had received an inheritance, the letter was sent by the executor of my great aunt.

    If I had known what I was going to find in that old, damp and dark apartment I would have never agreed to come, because only when I arrived I could already feel trapped in that lonely place.

    Apartment 24 was on the third floor, and I had to climb several steps to get there, since the old elevator was not working by then.

    Everyone in the place looked at me strangely and few answered my cordial greetings, I thought maybe they were shy people who found it difficult to socialize.

    I didn't want to move, but the fact of not paying so much money for rent was very tempting and in the end I ended up in that old, damp and dark apartment.

    A few weeks later I was already installed in the place, it still smelled of confinement, so I opened the windows all morning, to try to get some sun and ventilate that place.

    I occupied my great aunt's room, it was spacious and elegant and with a wonderful view, it was ideal to spend my dark and lonely nights, although strangely I felt the sensation that someone was watching me.

    One of those lonely nights I was interested in its window, so I went through each of its compartments, until I reached the top where there was a beautiful old jewelry box.

    When I opened it, an instrumental music could be heard and at the end of it, the inside of the jewelry box opened in two and the red velvet that covered that antique piece finished impressing me.

    At the bottom there was a small case and in it I found a beautiful ring with a precious diamond that enchanted me, so I decided to leave it on my finger, as part of my family inheritance.

    That night while I was trying to sleep someone woke me up, it was an elegant man who looked at me while I was sleeping, his attire was antique and his gaze was captivating.

    I don't know how it happened but he asked me to choose between my life and the life I would have if I decided to keep the beautiful ring with that precious stone.

    The diamond on the ring began to sparkle and began to show me my new life, there was love, desire, fortune and long before he showed me the rest I said; -yes-.

    The mysterious man took me in his arms and took me with him, showing me what was missing from that life with the ring, pain, loneliness and death, the price for that ring had been the most expensive a person can pay, the cost had been paid with my own precious life.

    Micro-story of my authorship, mystery genre, exclusive for this publication, not authorized for modification or use @cirangela


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