Wednesday Walk Where do you like to walk

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Wednesday Walk Where do you like to walk

    This post is for Wednesday walk challenge
    Any questions about the challenge read the guide at the Bottom of the post ;)

    Not having bene out for many recent walks I thought for this Wednesday walk postI would have a question for you all

    Where is your favorite spot for walking?

    For me the answer is two fold, firstly for me an ideal walk is by the water, and secondly with not many or any people around hence why I love my early morning walks when most other perhaps one could say sane people are still sleeping, I find if I manage to achieve both of these i find it so calm and peaceful walking.

    And this post I will share a few spots I have walked over the last year and are probably in the categories many may feel they prefer walking

    Starting with a shot of a walk on a trail in the woods, surrounded by the lovely greens of Nature

    www where do you prefer walking_.jpg

    Sony A7iv 17mm F8 1/60 ISO 12800
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    I just noticed as I was adding that photos that it had a very high ISO of 12800 and yet isn't that bad a photo and not to noisy

    As I said I love walks by the water, where a river, lake or by the sea, and by the sea I dont mind if its a rugged rocky beach

    www where do you prefer walking_-2.jpg

    Sony A7iv 18mm F11 2.5 second ISO 100
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    Or I nice sandy beach

    www where do you prefer walking_-3.jpg

    Sony A7iv 17mm F11 1/5 second ISO 100
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    I even find walking through a cemetery calm and relaxing checking out the names on the headstones and imaging especially on older headstones how their life was.
    Now i know some find cemeteries creepy and have no interesting in walking them , but they dont freak me out in fact we live right beside a cemetery which doesnt bother me, but I do have one work colleague who is totally phased out by that and said if he ever visits us here we will meet somewhere else he will not come to out house.

    www where do you prefer walking_-4.jpg

    Sony A7iv 75mm F11 1/60 second ISO 125
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    And walking by ports or marinas I also enjoy

    Well to be totally honest I just like walking, sitting still for a while drives me nuts LOL

    www where do you prefer walking_-5.jpg

    Sony A7iv 17mm F8 1.3 second ISO 100
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    Now going shopping is not my idea of a fun walk, I like to get in get what I need and get out, so walking in a city center is not high on my list of places to walk, but early morning with not many around and with cobblestone streets thats a different story and something I do now and again

    www where do you prefer walking_-6.jpg

    Sony A7iv 24mm F11 25 second ISO 100
    Click here to view larger

    Weekly giveaway of shares

    This week I am sending to the following who joined Wednesday Walk, for this week I did a random draw and the following each received some Hive @bestylove @kaminchan @jeansapphie @cmplxty @ewkaw @rosanna-brava

    Wednesday Walk is a challenge started by me, the idea is to get out for a short walk and get some shots of what you can see within a short distance of your home office or wherever you start. And this is my entry for this week, but first, let me explain the challenge.

    This is my post for the Wednesday Walk challenge hosted by myself, let me first explain the guidelines

    Try and get out once a week for a short walk, can be from your office, home or anywhere really and walk for a few blocks or a few minutes looking for things to get shots of.

    Your walk does not have to be on a Wednesday I just ask if possible to share your walk photos on a Wednesday.

    Try and get a few shots not just one

    Add a bit of a write up about where you walked

    Just one Wednesday Walk tagged post a week

    You can look for anything in general or decide on one subject you want to get shots off.

    Make a point of looking around and up and see what you can find to get shots of that otherwise you may miss

    Do a post with the shots you get on a Wednesday and tag it with #wednesdaywalk, also if you happen to join, please leave a link to your post in a comment on this post and I will try and visit them all, especially if its not one of the first 5 tags or I may miss seeing it .

    Following me and re-Hiving the post so more see it would be appreciated but isn't a rule just a suggestion.

    I am not strict on these rules and hence why they are called guidelines and not rules

    I will try and visit, and upvote all who take part in the Wednesday Walk.

    I hope a few of you may find this an interesting challenge and decide to join in.

    unless stated otherwise all photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself, if you wish to use any of my images please contact me.

    Wednesday walk footer.jpg

    TEAMUSA JJ hive.jpg

    Teamusa is a Community for and supporting those from of in the United States, and now is in the process of rebuilding stronger than ever join us on Discord

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