Splinterlands challenge - Explosive Weaponry | Speed is the key to win the battle

in voilk •  4 months ago


    Hello all Splinterlands friends,
    This is my entry for the Battle Mage Secrets weekly challenge.
    This week's theme is the Explosive Weaponry ruleset, so I want to share a battle with it.


    The battle ruleset

    • 19 mana cap - a low mana battle
    • Ruleset - Explosive Weaponry
    • Splinter - Fire, Water, Earth and Death Splinters can be used

    With this ruleset, I want to use the high-speed monsters on the battlefield to take advantage of Explosive Weaponry, when all the monsters will have the Blast ability from this ruleset

    My team lineup

    I decided to use Water Splinter in this battle because I have several high-speed Water monsters

    Summonerhttps://images.ecency.com/p/2gsjgna1uruvGBHDnRaj2z6FsL6XEQR3pnqa26GnVcsms9JXfcc2zhBsuvU41pqMfKM3fcdFXo7WBt5u43pUPqRK5kdF9f3oFkosf2CcLtongGpRPc.webp?format=webp&mode=fitKelya Frendul - to have +1 speed and can make the early attack to the enemy team to take the advantages
    1st positionhttps://images.ecency.com/p/2gsjgna1uruvGBHDnRaj2z6FsL6XEQR3pnqa26GnVCkJjjmn77g1yfF6dLRBPKCgSgqeXTqQqbxihxsmxN7RAhdJZiYgbfnZTBdLRyVjMtQ8pY2PRg.webp?format=webp&mode=fitDiemonshark - one more time, this guy is suitable as a tanker with high health, good speed and attack
    2nd positionTide Biter - a good-speed monster with Reflection Shield that helps to protect himself from Blast attack
    3rd positionHardy Stonefish - a 1-mana monster to use up all the mana
    4th positionMusa Saline - a good-speed monster with Shatter skill that helps to remove enemy tanker armor immediately with 1 attack
    5th positionTorrent Fiend - 0-mana monster to protect the backline monsters

    The battle

    You can click on the image to watch the battle

    • My enemy chose a different strategy with Death Splinter. It has level 4 Thaddius Brood as the summoner, however, all the monsters have lower speed than mine. So I had a big advantage in this battle.
    • My enemy put Gargoya Lion as the tanker. The expectation is Gargoya Lion can evade several attacks from my team with Fly ability. However, it was not enough to help him
    • Finally, my team won this battle after 2 rounds.

    That's all for now.
    I hope you enjoy this battle and have a nice weekend!

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