Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge with Ferocity

in voilk •  2 months ago





    All units have the Fury ability.

    Think carefully before including a unit with Taunt in your lineup as they will take double damage from units with Fury.


    The Battle Ruleset


    Ferocity: All units have the Fury ability.
    Close Range: Ranged attacks may be used in the first position in battles.

    This is a middle mana ruleset game and only two color is available to play, which is the Fire and Death Splinters. The 32 mana is not that much to use anything I want, but I will take a risk with this battle and pick a very expensive summoner and try to take advantage of his amazing abilities.

    The Ferocity ruleset doesn't mean much as long as I do not pick a monster with the Taunt ability, but I love the Close Range ruleset, which will work perfectly with my strategy. 😉


    My Team Composition


    Yodin Zaku is a seven mana Summoner who is an Untamed Summoner from the old times. Therefore his cost is a lot especially in games like this one where the mana cap is quite small, but his abilities might change the outcome of the battle easily.

    He gives one ranged attack and health to all of his friendly monsters, which is always nice, but more importantly he gives the Blast ability to all of his monsters, which will makes them to damage the adjacent monsters of their target.


    The Antoid Platoon is a good and cheap tank for this game, because he cost only four mana and has Shield ability, which comes handy if my opponent doesn't bring any magic attack monster.


    I used Venari Marksrat mainly to use his Martyr ability if he would die, so the two monster next to him will receive increased stats. Yodin will increase his ranged attack to two as well, which is amazing.


    The Lava Spider is a a low mana damage dealer with the Snipe ability, so he will attack the first ranged or non-attack monster from the enemy team, which will be extra good for me, because his Blast damage from Yodin will deal a lot of extra damage the monsters around his target.


    The Scavo Firebolt cost four mana and he has one extra ranged attack damage compared to the Lava Spider, but he will attack the first monster from the enemy team and the monster behind it with his Blast damage.


    The Ash Mirage is a very good creature, because he is very fast with good stats and with the Headwinds ability, which will decrease the ranged attack damage of the enemy monsters by one. He will increase the chance of winning a game in a mirror match as long as my opponent doesn't use him as well.


    The Spark Pixies is a very good card, but he must be played in low mana games and especially with Yodin. This card cost only four mana with amazing speed and damage, but he has quite a low health.


    The Battle


    Link to my battle:


    My strategy was to use Yodin and take advantage of his Blast damage. My opponent used Thaddius Brood who will decrease the magic attack and health of all of my monsters. *So lucky that I brought a full ranged attack team. 😀

    The first round started pretty slowly and my team killed only their Venari Marksrat, which buffed up his tank and the monster next to him. I also lost my Antoid, which is pretty bad, but hopefully our ranged attacks with the Blast damage will be enough to deal significant damage.

    In the second round my speedy monsters killed their Windeku and the Close Range also helped a lot for my monsters to attack from the first position. I aso lost a monster this round as well, but we still had a lot of damage in our reserve.

    The third was amazing, because my team killed their Riftwing and Skok, so only two weak monster left in his team, which was an easy target for my monsters. 😉


    Do you like Ferocity? Why or why not?

    This ruleset gives me neutral feelings as it is very easy to ignore, because you just need to keep it in mind that do not use any monster with the Taunt ability and you will be alright! 😊


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