Familiar Faces

in voilk •  17 hours ago


    Imagine walking into a strange place not knowing what to expect, the nerves and thoughts that follow. At the first sight of a familiar face imagine the instant ease, or at least confidence boost that happens to us. That is largely my story whenver I find myself between a rock and a hard place. When am ready to get out, it is familiar faces and voices that aid and show me the way out.

    People don't know how impressive it is to just keep doing what they are doing. We talk of consistency, but consistency through the seasons is of course very important. It shows what is possible to those who struggle maintaining such consistency, and inspires effort. I've never been the pioneer type, as I'm rather comfortable with others taking the lead and showing what is possible before i step in, yet even the art of following through still takes inspired effort to run with.

    I am very grateful for the familiar faces on this Hive platform that have been a big source of inspiration and support to me. There is no need to name names, as they know themselves and some will likely read this post. Hive has shown what small, incremental growth over time can do and it is simply left for me to take the lessons. The lessons are quite numerous in this regard and they come in the form of people - those who have succeeded out of nothing but sheer consistency and effort.

    I certainly don't want to fail, and am more encouraged by the fact that there are familiar faces around me that have succeeded using the same recommended formula. It is really left to me to make the most of it.

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