The Turn Around

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    The Turn Around

    Photo by Muhammad-Taha Ibrahim

    A few years ago, after I graduated from college I discovered that my life was almost messed up, I was already into different things, I was into women and street life.

    I made many attempts to cut away from them to no avail, it was as if I was caged, so I decided to quit trying and continue with my lifestyle.

    "Emreal, you have changed, you no longer take the things of God or your life seriously," was what my mom kept telling me each time I got to spend time with her.

    The truth is she was not lying, she trained me up to be a god-fearing and decent kid, seeing these things manifesting in my life all of a sudden was shocking.

    I barely went to church service or attended any church-related program as she trained and groomed me and that was not all, I was bringing ladies and terrible friends to the house.

    One evening, while I and my friends were busy talking dirty, and laughing aloud in my room. I excused myself to go and get my clothes from the line in the compound.

    When I reached the compound, I saw my mother sitting on a bench with her hands on her cheek.

    "Good evening Mom," I greeted her as I walked towards the line to pick my clothes.

    "Emreal, who are those guys in your room?" She asked, neglecting my greetings with her face tight and her voice sounding deep.

    "They are my friends from college, Mom," I replied as I continued picking the clothes.

    "Come here," she demanded.

    I sluggishly walked to where she was seated and sat down holding the clothes I already picked.

    "Are these what you keep as friends now? I have been listening to your conversation right from inception, there was nothing good about it and to my surprise, you are being so loud and laughing over it. Is that the kind of life you want to live now?" She asked.

    Hmm, I sighed deeply putting my face down. Shame gripped me, I couldn't say a word. "Am sorry ma," I replied.

    "You are no longer a child, I'll be honest with you if you continue to keep this class of people around your life, you will go nowhere in life," she added and walked inside leaving me seated on the bench.

    I felt so bad, the entire thing got through me. When I got back into the room, I told them "Guys, I will be going out, my mom sent me on an errand, maybe later we will see."

    "No wahala, (no problem) just let us know when you are back," one of them replied to me and they walked out.

    I sat down alone in the room and thought about my life and what my mom just said, and I decided that I was going to start being deliberate about my life again.

    There used to be a fellowship in my church for young people, it's been long since I attended. One fateful Monday, I decided to go.

    It was such a powerful service with so many young people in attendance, at the end of the day, many responded to the alter call the preacher made. I was just there looking at everything strange and hoping to hear the phrase "Let's share the grace."

    After taking like forever, the moment arrived and we closed. While I was about to leave the church, a masculine voice called me, "Emreal."

    I was surprised, I didn't expect anyone to know me there, it's been so long. When I turned to check who it was, behold, it was one of my teachers from secondary school, Mr. Abimiku.

    I quickly walked towards him with a big smile on my face, "Good evening sir," I greeted.

    "Evening, how are you doing? You have grown so big already," he responded as he extended his hands to me.

    I laughed profusely, "I am fine sir, how about you?"

    "Oh, I am fine. Where are you now?

    "I just finished my Nigeria Certificate In Education (NCE) program. Hoping to go further soon," I replied.

    "That's beautiful, can I have your contact?" He asked.

    "Sure," I replied as I gave him my number, he instantly flashed my line and I saved his.

    From that day, he started calling me often to know how I was doing and he would persuade me to come for fellowship in the church and sometimes invite me to his house and give me books to take home and study.

    At first, it was frustrating and annoying but I just kept playing along.

    After a while, I discovered that his lifestyle is the kind of life I wanted to live but I have been struggling all along.

    So, I began going closer to him and he was so happy with it and kept teaching me how he attained to the height he is that I admired. I kept doing the things that he suggested and gradually, I began to grow.

    Within a very short period, let's say a month or two. My life was transformed. I couldn't even stay around the kind of friends I used to keep, I stopped almost everything I was struggling to stop. My encounter with Mr Abimiku turned over a new page in my life.

    My mother was so surprised at the turnaround. To date, she never ceases to appreciate Mr Abimiku for the change he brought into my life.

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