We have to know who to hang out with ...
I'm convinced of something. I made the mistake of saying "I am convinced that such a thing" and it is not correct to say it like that.
We must say that: "I am convinced of such a thing." It is a fact of our language. Although I prefer to say "I join the people who make me feel good, who do not use weaknesses to humiliate because a firm self-esteem does not flinch from the validation or not of others! We have to be alert.
I also prefer to surround myself with people who talk about ideas, about projects, who dress tall and pretty! It is necessary to purge friendships, relatives.
Let us be that which we hope to receive.
Although there are very few people around me, there are always good people.
Undoubtedly, synchronizing with people who are in the same tune and rhythm as me is something lucrative in these times, because taking care of my mental health is vital, that's why we have to be very selective and not give our space and energy to anyone no sir ever.
And this is what I talk about and it has nothing to do with who I meet, for example, it has to do with how they think.
Therefore, we need to know who to meet with. People who criticize us for our growth, not to demoralize us.
I have always told my children "the social circle is part of success", even if everyone does not understand it, it is like that. Of course, it's starting by being the kind of people we like to have around.
Success never comes alone.
It is essential to understand that our growth, our drive and our achievements are largely determined by the influence of those around us, and yes, it does greatly influence who or with whom we hang out.
And by the way, many times our emotional problems are somehow reinforced or validated based on the emotional problems of those people who are closest to us and who drive us or not towards what we want to achieve.
At least I know that I'm with people who are with me when I don't feel stupid, in fact I've hung out with some people who aren't on the same page and many times I've told myself that I think I did or said something that embarrassed me, or I wasn't funny enough.
The commitment to raise our voice continues, and all good citizens in the face of excessive hatred.
In the face of the madness of the critical and maluca people, synderesis, for God's sake.
In the face of senseless attacks, rejection and firmness. In the face of incivility and psychological abuse due to human differences, emotional intelligence, mental strength and a lot of dignity.
It is important to pay attention to this.
Let's call it success, feelings, business, money, health and all those things that have to do with our life.
Janitze 🌹
Separator made with Canva by @janitzearratia
Any images in this post are taken with my iPhone 12, the Infinix pro-note 30 or with the camera eighties Rolleiflex 2.8 f, and edited by me with Canva
Translation with |DeepL