Avenger Savior

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Padraig walked up to Iarlaith with smiling lips, or at least who he thought was Iarlaith, but wasn't. When the cloaked figure turned his face towards him, Padraig's eyes widened and the color drained from his face and he stammered:
    "Are you alive?"

    The cloaked figure whose name was Nestor smiled and his scarred face became even more ugly than before and said in a voice that sounded like it was coming from the bottom of a well.
    "They ran over me in a tank and then threw me in a pool of carnivore insects, but I survived and I think you know why."

    Padraig shivered.
    "Nestor, I swear I didn't know they wanted to bring such harm upon you. Iarlaith told me the hunters would only imprison you for a short time and then release you."

    Nestor approached Padraig slowly and stopped a step away from him and raised his hand and placed it on his cheek.
    "Yes, now that I'm digging into your mind, I see you're right. Your only sin is believing Iarlaith's words, but can a disciple be punished for listening to his master?"

    He ran his rough fingers on the soft skin of Padraig's cheek and enjoyed the terror he saw in his innocent eyes, and then moved his mouth to his ear and whispered:
    "But my dear Padraig, unfortunately I cannot forgive Iarlaith and what I will do to you now is actually his punishment."

    Padraig closed his eyes and swallowed and said as he was trembling.
    "Please have nothing to do with me."

    Nestor said in a low voice as if he were speaking a spell.
    "Yes, beg. I'll tell Iarlaith later how you begged me and I didn't care, just like Iarlaith ignored my pleas."

    "Listen, he was afraid of you and thought you were going to kill him and absorb his inner powers. That's why he handed you over to the hunters to get rid of you."

    "Interesting. I served him faithfully. I risked my life for him and yet he didn't trust me."

    "Not just you, he doesn't trust anyone. He always alienates his disciples after a while. I thought he just made them go somewhere else, but now I realize that without getting his hands dirty with blood he kills them through other people."

    Nestor pictured Iarlaith in his mind. Long golden hair, marble white face, bright blue eyes and a smile full of love. It was hard to believe that inside this angel-like body there was a ruthless skeptical monster.

    He remembered his first days as a vampire. When his creator was killed by vampire hunters and he wandered alone in the cellars, terror paralyzed his entire being.

    It was at that time Iarlaith had come to his aid and accepted him as his disciple and placed him under his protection. Without him, Nestor would have been captured by vampire hunters in a short period of time and would have been tortured so much that he would either lose his life or his mind.

    Padraig opened his eyes and saw Nestor's face, whose expression had softened and the deep hatred was no longer visible on it.
    "Can I ask you to take me with you? That way you'll both get your revenge on Iarlaith and save me."

    And Nestor decided to do that. At that moment, he felt that he wanted to be the avenger and the savior at the same time.


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