Life on the beach - my sacred space

in voilk •  2 months ago

    I'm on the beach everyday of the week. It seems that I live on the beach, which is one of the more ideal places to be here on our beautiful planet.


    Part of the beauty of this planet is that the beach is everywhere, on every continent, all around it, and thus we can all access the beach. Almost all of us that is. Of course even if you're in Switzerland for example, where you may not have the ocean, you still have many beautiful lakes. And lakes also have beaches... so there you are.

    Beautiful jellyfish washed up onto the sand

    If you are inland, then you can still take a little trip to the beach by bus, train, bicycle or plane. My life on the beach is a holiday everyday. Depending on the lighting effects generated by the sun and the clouds, the ambiance and visual display varies subtly from day to day.

    New plants popping up from the sand dunes

    And so although it is this same stretch of beach along these southern Shores of the African continent, still it is a long stretch - perhaps hundreds of kilometers - and it has varied faces which it reveals to me on each visit.


    Now in the autumn season, the lighting is slightly more subdued due to the presence of thin high lying cloud cover. Nevertheless the setting is as sublime as ever. In fact this stretch of shoreline at the beach has become my sanctuary, my temple and my door to Paradise. All I have to do to enter the "Zone", to be in the moment or to glimpse the gates of Heaven, is to take a little stroll or drive to the beach, which is just moments away and thus within reach and to my fingertips at any moment I choose.

    Arrow pointing to seals that proliferate these waters off the peninsula

    In this way I find myself in Paradise every day. I wish everyone could be as fortunate as I am in this regard. Heaven is not far away, it's not some distant dream, for it his here and now on this beach. Because it is the Indian Ocean, I like to see it as a place of pilgrimage, a sacred Space, a holy "tirtha". After all, the waters of the sacred Ganges river (Ganga mata) flow into the Indian Ocean at the Bay of Bengal, and then make their way South to me here on the southern tip of Africa. In this way I may be far from the holy river but I am on the shores the sacred Indian Ocean.


    Ultimately one's temple is within. The sacred Space is a state of mind. One can enter it wherever you are. You just need to have the right vision. And so here on this random simple beach, I find my entire paradise, my holy space, my holy moment, my communion with the Divine. What are joyful and blissful experience.


    Other folks from the local area also enjoy the beach. Occasionally a fisherman might cast their line from the rocky peninsula, hoping to catch their food.

    Arrows pointing to the two surfers waiting for a wave

    Or the locals come to the beach with their surfboard and wetsuit, hoping to catch a wave. So in this way the beautiful beach provides sanctuary and solace to all who wish to take shelter on her beautiful soft gentle pure white comfortable sands.


    I hope that you too can tap in to your inner sacred space by finding your outer temple space somewhere in nature. It's so easy if you dimly have the right vision.


    Photos my own, written and published on my mobile device and uploaded onto the Hive blockchain from the beach.

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