in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hatim Tai, the chief of the tribe of Fehd in the country of Yemen, had a very fine horse of Arabian breed.


    This horse was unmatched in beauty and speed. One day in the court of the King of Rome, there was a discussion about Hatim Tai's generosity and his horse. Everyone was praising Hatim according to their own knowledge.

    Hearing these words of the courtiers, the king said, it is against wisdom to form an opinion about someone until he has been tested.

    We want some people to go to Hatim and ask him for the same horse.

    If he gives it, he surely deserves praise and if he does not, it will be proved that he is a hypocrite.

    Everyone accepted the king's words as correct and the minister reached Hatim Tai with some people.

    This delegation of Shah Rome reached Hatim's house at night. Coincidentally, that night it was also raining and the cloud was thundering terribly. In those days, it was a very difficult task to arrange food and rest for many guests in such weather. But Hatim didn't feel worried at all. He immediately slaughtered a horse and laid the table and fed the delicious roast meat to the guests.


    When the morning came, the Wazir explained the purpose of his visit to Hatim Tai and asked him for the horse which was famous far and wide.

    Hearing this from the minister, Hatim was very sad and said, "If you had come to get that horse, why didn't you tell me this as soon as you came?" Now that dear horse is no longer in this world, and as you know, the night was very stormy, so that it was not possible for me to call for an animal from the pasture and provide for your food. There was only one horse at home and I was forced to slaughter it, because I could not allow my guests to go to bed hungry. Wazir Hatim was surprised to hear this, he said, the more people praise you, you are even more noble and generous by Allah's grace.

    When King Rom came to know about this whole incident, he also believed that Hatim Tai was really generous and deserved praise.

    ###When Shah heard all this

    Heartfelt congratulations to Hatim

    He said, indeed, he is a true sakhi

    He is the recipient of it


    Hazrat Sheikh Saadi has made it clear in these stories that the example of a person who is pure and free from hypocrisy is like pure gold, that when it is tested, its value increases even more. Don't take it. If you want a good name, do good deeds.

    Narratives of Saadi page 55

    If you want more information about related Generosity of Hatim Tai than watch thisVideo

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