My Actifit Report Card: February 27 2024 - From Toothbrush Troubles to Toddler Fun

in voilk •  5 months ago


    A new day begins, yesterday it was raining, but today there is sunshine.

    Not the most optimal start when my electric toothbrush fails due to a dead battery.

    Unfortunately, my own battery is also not fully charged due to an interrupted night.

    I'm not a morning person, but that doesn't stop me from starting each day in good spirits.

    Today I am again thoroughly enjoying all the fun things we do at school.

    I spend the morning with the toddlers.

    How I enjoy their carefree joie de vivre.


    We begin the day by establishing the weather: thankfully the sun is shining today!


    Everywhere in the room there is play.


    At the table, they are playing with developmental materials and practicing cutting techniques.


    And behind me, two toddlers are trying to make a beautiful Duplo creation together.


    After the fruit moment, we take the little ones outside to play.


    Some are already dreaming of the time when they can play soccer with the older children in the panna football court.

    The morning flies by and then it's lunch time.


    Usually I enjoy knackebrood with light toppings, today with an herbal dairy spread.

    The afternoon at school begins.

    Now the toddlers have been exchanged for the preschoolers.


    We start moving: some play outside in the schoolyard or playground, while others build a scaffold in the playroom.


    You notice that after yesterday's rainy day, they have an extra need for exercise.

    At the end of the day, there is still time for a quiet activity.


    Some children want to make bracelets from loom bands.

    The children's energy is noticeably waning; the end of the day is approaching.

    Tonight my youngest son is cooking.

    He has chosen a macaroni dish.

    I had already gotten the minced meat, macaroni, cheese, herbs and vegetables for him; the rest was his responsibility.

    And I must say: it turned out very well!


    Wonderful not to have to cook after a busy work day, but to be pampered for once.

    May my children do this more often.

    So I end this day with 7849 steps.

    Fortunately a lot more than that rainy day yesterday.

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    Wishing you all the best in life and much health.

    @meraki7578 💚

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    This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

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