Update on my husband's garden-After being away for a month

in voilk •  5 months ago
    Hello HiveGardeners.How's the weather in your place? The rainy season has started here already here in Bohol. I am not sure about other places in the Philippines.
    It's been a month since the last time I updated about my husband's garden. Last month our pechay was devastated by pests. Hubby had been planting pechay a couple of times already and it was the first time that we didn't enjoy what he planted after the worms ate most of the leaves of our pechay.

    Chilis & Peppers

    Our Pepper and chilis are still growing well and still have more fruits on it. Our neighbors usually ask if they can get some of it.Well our neighbors is the family of my husband so they can get it. It's a lot of them anyway. Once a week my sister-in law would ask for the sword pepper because she used it for her dynamite lumpia recipe. She will gave us after making and cooking the dynamite lumpia. We also use the red sword peppers or the ripe ones to make our homemade chili garlic sauce. We decided to make our own chili garlic sauce since we love spicy sauce and we just ate siomai yesterday. Siomai is perfect with chili garlic sauce.

    One ginger left planted on the ground and ginger that we got from the other ginger plant
    Finally hubby harvested one of our ginger that has been planted on the ground for a couple of months already. I guess the signs that the ginger is ready to harvest when the leaves slowly turns yellowish. Well I know it will take 8 to 10 months before you can harvest your ginger but I forget when did hubby transferred that ginger from the pot to the ground.

    Spring onions

    Spring onions is one of the very first plant that we tried growing even pandemic time and I am happy that up to now we still have lots of spring onions planted in a pot and on the ground. Hubby had to put liquid fertilizer on it since its not growing well this rainy season. Pests and worms are attacking the leaves of the spring onions this rainy season.


    We had lemons planted near the garden of my husband and some of them are planted in the front of our house. Some of them are growing well and some of its leaves are eaten by the worms and I notice that their leaves are curling.

    Leaves are curling and the other pic is the lemon had already bloom flowers but it didn't grow well.

    After doing some research their are 7 reasons why the lemon leaves are curling.
    1.Drought stress or insufficient watering
    2.Temperatures extreme or too much direct sunlight
    3.Poor air circulation so pruning the trees is important and its important to plant it with the correct distance from other plants
    4.Nutrient deficiencies or over fertilization
    5.Incorrect watering-it says in the ground it needs 1-2 inches of water twice a week or more often during hot weather.
    6.Pests-such as Aphids, spider mites,mealybugs, and scale.
    7.Diseases-Anthracnose, sooty mold fungus, and bacterial blast.
    After learning all those reasons I understand now why the leaves of the lemons are curling. I told my husband about those reasons so he would be aware on what to do about it. I guess one of the reason is insufficient watering because I notice that hubby don't usually water them.


    Our tomatoes are finally bearing fruits. Too bad the second batch of the tomatoes didn't grow well and not all of them grows successfully .Some of them died. I am happy that finally they are bearing fruits and blooming with flowers now. As I remember hubby started planting one tomato on our front-yard. He got that seedling from the drainage of our kitchen.After having lots of tomato fruits he got interested on planting more tomatoes as we can sell most of them.

    Oh by the way I've seen two worms,one of it is brown and the other one is black and yellow stripes.For sure hey are excited to munch the leaves of the tomato or maybe the fruit of it.

    Hubby also added rice straw as an organic fertilizers to our plants.

    This will be my garden blog for today. I hope you enjoy reading as much as I do.Thank you for coming this far.

    All photos used in this article are copyrighted by me ©, unless otherwise stated. Please do not copy them without my permission.Published: 02/03/2024 1:48 pm (GMT)

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