The Most Beautiful One

in voilk •  4 days ago
    What makes you beautiful? A question that many teenagers and even young adults find it hard to answer. There are so many definition of beauty when you look at it in a dictionary. It depends to you on how you describe beauty or beautiful. In this blog, I would like to share my accumulated description of beauty.

    There are people took the worldly standard of beauty. Some people look at the appearance of a person to define beauty. When you have a nice black hair, good body shape, curly eyelashes, beautiful big black eyes or even green colored eyes, it will make you exceptional for some. There are also that people define beauty not by their outward appearance but by their intrinsic quality of a person. For me, no matter how good looking are you and how appealing you might be when you don't know how to treat people with respect, dignity, and equality all your physical attributes of beauty will be disregarded. Inner qualities should outgrow the physical beauty. Being beautiful should be an inside job for all of us so that when we feel beautiful in the inside; it will radiates on the outside. It will give us a blissful aura.

    I remember I had read years ago an article about Sister Lucia asking Mother Mary this question, "Mother, why are you so beautiful?" Mother Mary replied, "I am beautiful because I love." There you go. The more you love; the more you become beautiful. I just want to flex the most beautiful woman I know who gives so much love, humility, simplicity, and obedience in the work of our salvation.

    I just want to flex my standard of beauty. I got this photo when I was in my fourth year of college. I just laminated it this year to preserve the photo and the prayer. I just wanted to share also the prayer through this photo.


    I am saddened by today's happenings because there are lots of misunderstanding with each other. We are consumed maybe by materialism, power and fame that we forgot how to love each other. We forgot how to build each other's up instead of destroying each other. Maybe some of us most especially with power chose war instead of peace because we do not want to be defeated. Let us always remember that in every war no one is a winner. Everyone is a loser. There will be no peace. There are lots of life will be lost. Famine will follow also. Everyone will be traumatized. The good thing to avoid these things we are all encouraged to be beautiful in our own way. What makes us beautiful? It's love that we put into our lives that make us beautiful. Let's spread love instead of hate. Let's pray peace instead of war.

    How about you? Is your perception of beauty change? What makes you beautiful anyway? I hope you have learned something from this blog to make you beautiful. Let's inspire everyone to make them beautiful, themselves but before we can inspire others, we should start with ourselves and set a higher standard of beauty within us by loving more. Loving without limits. Are you now ready to be beautiful?

    Thank you for reading this blog! :)

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