We Are The World

in voilk •  3 months ago


    There is nothing better than we stand umited and there is nothing good than peace of mind, joy and happiness.
    This music on its own portrays how beautiful things could turn out when ww come together as one.


    The inspiration i got from this particular song is that when we come together in unity to achieve a common goal, things will be more easier by reducing stress and the result will be unique and successful.
    I used the word unique because each and every one of has a unique character.

    In singing, some of us are good on Bass, some in tenor while some in soprano etc.
    Now imagine when different set of singers with different voice types come together to take turns in singing a particular song. Honestly, i feel if will be heavenly. In as much as there are people existing in this world who are gifted with many voive types than just one.

    One of the singers i knew with such beautiful gift was Michael Jackson. All around the world, people with different talents exists and some who are multi talented. Outside of music, there are people who can carry weights of up to 250kg, while some people of the same age who may even be bigger in size cannot lift weights of up to 80kg. But this is not something to be used to talk ill of those people or make them look weak, because we all have our differences.

    Even in our homes as a family, we are not all of the same character, some may be good with arts and drawing and love it so much that they could not do without them. In the same family some may not necessarily hate art works but not just a fan of it because it doesn't give them that kick of joy on the inside, the only thing they love doing is building and construction, another person in the same family may be good in wiring, naturally because he is one that has the heart of touching wires that could be connected to power lines.

    Now when these members of the family come together to achieve a common goal, they will achieve a beautiful result. If they try their best to do what they are truly passionate about, then we will have a structure, be it building or whatsoever that will be beautifully decorated with artworks and properly wired and connected to a power source.

    It is important in this world that we accept our differences and don't try to change someone else of a unique character to be like us or to jave same kind of profession as ourself, because we all have a unique purpose of existence.

    In some families, parents even try to push their children into studying the same course they studied in the university. Because they feel it is what's best for them, so today in this world exists people who currently have a well paying job but are not truly happy or fulfilled because they are not passionate about what they do and in some schools are brilliant students studying courses they are not interested in, some of these are caused by people who try to make decisions for us, to change us or make us blend in to be as the society wants or desires.

    Imagine a world with people with only one set of character, same type of entertainment, same type of language, food stuff etc with no diversity and no new discoveries.
    The world would be a boring place without diversity, everyday we see new things, new characters and new discoveries and fashion styles, it makes our ecosystem more lively, more fun and exciting to live in with more future expectations.

    When we come together as one, to work together for food, we will end up making a better day for ourselves, our children and our future generations yet to come.

    Lyrics to song

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