The night battle

in voilk •  4 months ago


    As usual

    We all get at home tired from a long day at work and all days might be long to get us tired when we get home.
    There are a bunch of theories about what activity, physical or intellectual, can get us human beings into the more exhausted condition at the end of a working day, I won't dig into it right now.
    The real fact is we all, get tired and when we get home after work, most of us have rituals( not literally meaning), we just have some customs, things we like to do every day at home in a specific order not planned, according to our preferences. The point of the process is to feel comfortable and get some rest for a while.

    Relaxing time


    I love getting home to my wife and children, talk about our day, share opinions, I often like going for a run and cooking relax me too. Well, then dinner, some TV, maybe some reading. That's it!.

    The battle.

    Relaxing time is ok, but there's no better reward for an exhausted body than a good comfortable bed to recover strengths and be ready. Well, guess what? My body doesn't think the same thing, most of the times, when I go to bed falling asleep that I can barely walk without crashing objects cause my eyes can't stay opened, that's when the battle begins.


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    For some reason a lot of different thoughts manage to show up out of the blue and get into my mind, memories, work analysis, numbers,calculations old conversations, some unfinished business, well being of my sons, ways of solution to anything,etc. Even not important matters can keep me awaken in occasions, it's like an avalanche of mixed ideas fighting among themselves to prevail and stay rounding in my head. The situation usually lasts for hours,a constant struggle for recovering the stage I had when I decided to go to bed, turning left, right,up in bed...trying to find some comfort but the more I fight the harder it is,despair possesses me eventually and it start to look like I'm losing the battle.
    There are times when I decide to get back up, go out of the bedroom and do something, watching something on TV, trying to read some book, but it doesn't help much really.
    Then I return to bed to the fight, finally, at some still undefined point I fall asleep , don't know how, when or what strategy worked.


    I guess you can see what's coming next, yeah folks, after ,at last, I fall into Morpheus arms like a broken soldier after a nonsense war, drained out of energy, well, there they come, nightmares of all kinds, an ecosystem of nightmares, but, I don't wanna get you bored with this now, the thing is, a good rest is hard to find even sleeping.


    However, there are some other times when I fall in bed and got knocked out in a few seconds. I don't find a logical explanation to the matter, but, somehow I've got used to it, it doesn't often affect me like it did before. I usually think and comment to friends..." if I get to sleep properly the whole night one day, I guess I can eat the world the next morning". So, in the meantime I'm waiting for that day to come, I'll keep eating breakfast next mornings and giving some small bites to the world.
    How about you folks? Have you had any experience alike? Hope not. Have a nice day all of you, see you next time. Greetings.
    Never get tired of fighting, become the hero of your own life

    Not very active in social networks right now, but can be found here...👇


    Although english isn't my home 
    language, I manage well enough to write it by my self
    No source link image is my own
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