My Actifit Report Card: March 25 2024 - How Venmo Made Him Super Wealthy and Healthy!

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Let's talk about wealth and health. Bryan Johnson knows about both. By the time he was just 30, Johnston had started 3 companies. The third was payment processor Braintree which then bought Venmo. A few years later Johnson sold his company and personally received 300 Million Dollars!

    Bryan Johnson had not grown up with money. He became super rich in a relatively short amount of time. Having lots and lots of money can relieve you of certain problems but it brings you new problems. You have to learn how to manage these vast sums of money. You have to determine who wants to be your fried for You, or for your Money. Lottery winners, gamblers with a buge win, some entrepreneurs and some crypto investors gain great wealth over night and have to deal with Sudden Wealth Syndrome.

    Johnson took stock of his life and realized he had been depressed for years. He didn't seem to have the ability to improve his life on his own. He didn'tffeel motivated and didn't trust himself to make the right decisions.

    So he used his wealth to hire staff for something he calls Project Blueprint. The aim is to study research on improving one's life and health, develop a plan of action, measure the results and fine tune the plan.

    After a few years on the plan, 46 year old Johnson has many of the same stas on measuable biomarkers as 18 year old men!

    Do you want to be as healthy as an 18 year old again?

    Johnson says to achieve a life expectancy of 92

    Don't smoke

    Exercise 6 hours a week

    Eat a Blueprint diet which is similar to a Mediterranean diet

    Keep your BMI between 18.5 and 20.5

    Limit alcohal consumption to 3 drinks or less a week.

    Bonus - get cinsistantly good sleep every nught.

    Watch this 80 minute interview for lots more. It has over 130K views since its release a month ago.

    My activity today was typical. Doing chores, miving around the house. I took my night time cwalk under a bright completely full moon. I climbed a few steps but not many, 12 I think.

    Have a nice day! I wish you wealth and health!

    This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

    Daily Activity, Moving Around Office, Walking

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