Morning Ride: Long ride home

in voilk •  3 months ago

    steevc just finished a 37.74km ride, that lasted for 152 minutes.
    This ride helped steevc burn 1602.0 calories.

    Description from Strava:
    I am sure lots of cyclists would not consider this a long ride, but I do not cycle much and it is my longest since I was in Cape Cod last year. I think cycling and running use different muscles and so being fit for one does not always help with the other.

    I had said I would visit my parents, but I am without a car this weekend. I looked at getting the bus, but it does not run on Sunday. Cycling was the other option, but it is a long way. To make it viable I got the train to Sandy where I could pick up part of the National Cycle Network that follows where an old railway ran to Bedford.

    I was riding my old mountain bike that has seen better days, but it is fairly reliable. I set off through Sandy town centre. I used to work near there, but did not go to the shops much. As I came out of town I missed a sign and took a diversion to Moggerhanger. I realised my mistake, but it included an extra hill. The main track is fairly flat as you would expect for a railway. It runs past The Danish Camp on the River Great Ouse. We went there with the kids years ago, so I have walked some of this.

    It was very windy today, which made the ride harder. 40+mph headwinds are not great and some sections were very open, including one through a flooded quarry.

    As I got to Bedford I saw a sign that suggested a shortcut. It took me under the bypass flyover to the main road. I followed that road in, fighting the wind before diverting down some back streets, passing a house I lived in 30 years ago. My the time I got to my parents' place I was pretty tired. They had made lunch and I got a beer. I do see them fairly often, but they like to chat.

    I was there for a few hours, but needed to get back. I took a different route out of town, but got a little lost around Priory Marina before I found the main track. A few more signs would help.

    I had less issues with the wind on the way back, but it was still hard work. When I got back to the centre of Sandy I got off and walked as my bum had had enough. I had plenty of time to walk up to the station and sit for a while before the train came. I did ride home from Arlesey Station, but I was done in. I expect I shall sleep well.

    That cycle route is nice as you mostly avoid the roads and the views are pleasant, especially by the river. Wildlife spotted today included rabbits and a stoat that looked to have caught something to eat. I saw red kites too, but I see them all the time.

    Ride free!

    If you would like to check out this activity on strava you can see it here:

    About the Athlete: Older guy trying to keep fit, but still hope to go quicker.



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