New wall art by artist

in voilk •  5 months ago

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    It has been several months since I joined the service at our fast-food restaurant. We have been working on redecorating our restaurant for a few months now. A couple of days ago, we had two artists come in to do some artwork, and I must say, I was impressed with their intelligence and creativity. The job took two days to complete; on the first day, they sketched the artwork in pencil, and on the second day, they painted it. The result was stunning. If you're interested, I have a video and some photos of the artwork that you can check out.

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    Short intro Of myself

    Labiba sultana

    It's me @labibasultana( you just called me labiba). I am from Bangladesh. I am a student of tejgaon college, Dhaka. I am reading Hon's 2nd year Department of Social Work. I love photography and travel so if you visit my profile you see travel and photography-related posts. and I am a beginner photographer. I use Hive, youtube, and other social media to improve my photography skill and learn something new tips for photography. If you find a mistake in my post or photography you can comment below.....

    contact Me - twitter ,Linkedin,Gmail

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