The 100-Day Project, Day 49 — Finishing Day, Stage 2!

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Welcome to Day 49 of the 100-Day Project!

    I had lots of things to be done today not relating to creative work, so I started today with the mindset that even if the only thing I got done today was finishing the fronts of the current flat of painted stones, then that would be OK.

    Finish coat applied; now they must harden and "cure" for 72 hours

    Last night, I called it quits after giving the backs eight thin coats of finish, and they sat in the garage overnight to dry.

    This morning, I got to put a clean liner in the flat and turn the stones over for the all-important finishing of the front. The backs are always easy and "no sweat" because I can always do small fixes if something "runs" or melts.

    Ready tray, before finishing.

    The fronts, not so much. If there's any blurring in the design, the stone is deemed "not OK" and will end up out in the garden... and I'm very particular about what I consider "good quality."

    My reject rate used to be a lot higher — about 8-10% of all stones — but I have gotten a lot better and more patient with the process, and now it's generally under 1%. Sometimes I lose one because a small bug lands in the wet lacquer, sometimes I lose particularly "domed" stones because gravity simply pulls the color a little bit down the side of the stone. Hence the system of multiple very thin coats of spray lacquer.

    "They look pretty good, but what happens next really brings out the color!

    Finished the fronts after ten coats applied, at about 9:30 PM this evening. Now I get to wait three days before I handle them extensively and really examine them. That wait time not only allows the finish coat to "set" and become super hard, it also allows for the necessary chemical offgassing to happen (xylene, mostly) and the smell to dissipate.

    Yes, I could leave them "natural," but the paint would come off relatively quickly from wear, and the colors are just not as vibrant and pretty.

    Last photo in daylight... this is after about six coats

    Day 49 Stone Painting:

    As mentioned above, I had no great expectations for this day... but I did use one of my breaks between finishing sessions to sit down and paint another "Retreat Stone."

    This one was symbolically significant in being no. 25, meaning that the "core" order is now complete, and the rest are the "slush overs" in case they need a few extra, once they are on-site.

    Here's today's stone:

    Another "Retreat Stone" completed...

    I had a little extra time, so I decided to paint a few more miniatures.

    We had 14 left from last season in the show bins, and I consider "fully stocked" for a show to be 50 tiny stones, so I needed to add a total of 36 to stock... and with the six I added today, that makes 36 this past week, and we are back to "full stock," the first item on my list taken care of!

    Today's mini stones!

    Day 49 Summary and Social Media Bits:

    Today was a pretty good day: finished another Retreat Stone, and then six tiny "Faerie Stones" to bring our total up to 50; but above all, the big news is that I got the already painted stones finished, and now they are just needing to be fully dried and hardened before I can inspect them and start photographing and pricing them.

    Daily Twitter/X post: Check. Posted about my cancer healing meditation stones.
    Daily Facebook Page post: Fail/Pass. Continuing to let the UFO/Paranormal announcement page ride for a while.
    Daily Instagram post: Check. Posted a single picture relating to the cancer meditation stones.

    Other Stuff: As usual, this Hive post; the creative output was pretty modest but very happy to soon have a new batch of finished stones ready; Daily shoutout to @gillianpearce!

    Day 49 completed; Not unhappy with this day. I think this will be a really nice batch of finished stones... I get to bring them in and look at them under the light on Thursday!

    I appreciate you coming to visit and please do leave a comment if you feel so inclined!

    Thank You!


    If you enjoy painted rocks, do check out The Hive Rocks Project and help spread the word about Hive, while also being creative!

    Because I am trying to make some semblance of income — a part time living, even — I now add this footer to all my posts, in the hope that someone, somewhere, might decide to take a further look at my work, and perhaps consider supporting independent art.

    Thank you, in advance, for your consideration and support!

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    Regardless, your upvotes and comments are always appreciated!

    Thank you for supporting independent art!

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