in voilk •  2 months ago


    Make BBH the most profitable income token on Hive for its holders.




    Here is what happened. I have been trying to add to the SWAP.HIVE:LEO Liquidity pool every week. But selling BBH through the SWAP:HIVE:BBH liquidity pool. Today, the first mistake I made was not to make sure there was enough liquidity to do the trade. When there is not, the swap jumps to tribaldex Dex to complete the trade. It killed the buy orders on tribaldex. Making things look really bad.

    My purpose, that failed, was to building the passive income for BBH project through the BBH and LEO liquidity pools. I am still going to do the LEO one but in a different manor.

    So far one person got really upset with me. And out of transparently I am going to paist everything that was put into comments on the @bradleyarrow account.

    @bradleyarrow transferred 100000 BBH to @hive-112281

    @hive-112281 transferred 40000.00 BBH to @keychain.swapaf12c296-7285-47a5-8b38-18e90fca8a1a

    05/10/2024, 4:00 AM SELL hannes-stoffel keychain.swap 12496.82 0.00032030 4.00273145

    The value of "BBH RELEASE PRICE"? BBH looks like it was released at way below "release price" from "personal" account and shows why so many tokens should not already be minted and held in a personal account...

    @hive-112281 transferred 40000.00 BBH to @keychain.swapaf12c296-7285-47a5-8b38-18e90fca8a1a

    @hive-112281 transferred 40000.00 BBH to @keychain.swap2e4739ad-c30c-48f6-83b2-3a21184119bc

    @hive-112281 transferred 20000.00 BBH to @keychain.swap04e0bd33-a536-4567-982a-ae766c3b7f2f

    @bradleyarrow transferred 100000 BBH to @hive-112281

    05/10/2024, 4:00 AM SELL hannes-stoffel keychain.swap 12496.82 0.00032030 4.00273145 05/10/2024, 4:00 AM SELL alzee keychain.swap 8825.10 0.00045000 3.97129500 05/10/2024, 4:00 AM SELL pepentropy keychain.swap 500.00 0.00051000 0.25500000 05/10/2024, 4:00 AM SELL cryptounicorn420 keychain.swap 10000.00 0.00051000 5.10000000 05/10/2024, 4:00 AM SELL crazyphantombr keychain.swap 3000.00 0.00051004 1.53012000

    BBH tokens from bradleyarrow through hive-112281 and keychain.swap at the new release price of 0.00032030

    Please do not (continue to) directly lower and destroy the value of the token. Thank you.

    Sincerely #3 token holder behind the two forementioned accounts.


    I have started correction steps.

    I bought a shit load of BBH back with the bradleyarrow account, at a higher price than I sold for. So that BBH holders that want to sell make money. I will once I get some liquid Hive on this account, in 3 days, I will be buying back more BBH. To make up for swaps of BBH I have done for funding the LEO liquidity pool.

    Sometimes when you are building you make mistakes. I am not trying to mislead anyone. I know most people know and believe in me and what I am doing.

    I will be the first to admit what I was trying to do was a mistake even if I was trying to do for a greater purpose. It was a mistake.

    I am also trying to take down the BBH Liquidity pool. Every since I launched it, it had caused headaches for triabledex trading. Just not enough liquidity. From my phone I cannot figure out how to delete it, if you can. I highly recommend taking your Hive and BBH out of the pool yourself.

    Has anything changed about the BBH project? Absolutely not. Forward, upwards, and onwards. My mission statement stays the same.

    I want to thank @pepetoken for calling me out on my error. So that I have a chance to fix, learn, and more forward.



    And the biggest of all lately is the Curation Trail. It has really picked up steam. Front my @bradleyarrow post this morning:

    I want to welcome @cryptodelegator abord to the Curation Trail today. We are now 179 strong. That is awesome. The goal of 200 members by the end of the year is looking real good.

    What is the point of a curation trail and why should I join?

    Any post that I up vote, everyone that is part of my trail will also up vote that post. And being 179 members now you can possibly get 179 upvotes.

    When you join the trail you can set your trail vote to what ever you want. Even if you set the up vote to 0.01. Imagine if we had 1,000 people in the trail that would be 10.00 to the post. Fantastic stuff. A little difference can end up making a giant difference to a Hivian.

    I just copied and paisted that information above from my own post that I got linked. Oh man, do I ever need to get that updated. How to join is all the same, but I am referencing some stuff that no longer applies. lol

    That being said, we do have 179 members, I know not all are active, some have passed, but the majority of use are still here.

    Imagine if we could get 100 people doing just 1 blog post about the curation trail. Do you think the membership would go up quickly?

    Give it a shot, the more, the better for everyone.


    Every Saturday is drip day. Now if you are not a regular reader of mine you are wondering what is drip day.

    I run a income token and tipping bot all in one. The token is BBH. Every Saturday I payout the people holding BBH tokens. Passive income if you like. I like to call it a 'drip' of a token(s) to the people that own BBH tokens. And unlike some all you have to do is own it. No staking, no nothing.

    If you own 10 or more BBH tokens you got a drip of swap.hive.
    If you own 5,000 or more BBH tokens you got a drip of swap.hive and the Alive token, and CTP Tokens.
    If you own 10,000 or more BBH tokens you got a drip of swap.hive, Alive, CTP, and $LEO tokens.

    All just for owning BBH. There are two ways you can get BBH. First you can buy them from the open market. I use TribalDex myself.

    Or they can be tipped to you. The great part about BBH tipping is that when you tip a token to someone else you do not loose any of your own. There is a central pool that supplies them.

    And a third way to get BBH would be people gift them to you.

    And now a forth way to get BBH with the BBH Miner.

    It does not get any better than that.


    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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