Photographers - The birth of a new Photography community

in voilk •  last month

    New community for Photographers?

    What do you think of the idea of a new community for Photographers? I know that there are a couple of very large ones, being the biggest one Photographylovers with a lot of users every day and a pretty big community and also some nice curators out there.

    Join the Photographers community in here

    Photography is my passion and it is what I Love to do the most, from the beginning of the times I have been in here, that is my main focus and the type of content that I create.

    This community would have the goal of supporting other Photographers, that are content creators here in the community. Focusing on the images and the type of content they bring to the platform as well as their growth in here.

    Would you be up to join me and this adventure with the Photographers Community?

    There is no Plan but I have ideas

    Obviously, the main idea it is for people to increase their views, their number of followers and obviously their rewards as well.

    It is to try and build a place where people come and use like people use a lot of other mainstream social media platforms out there. Where people come and look for new photos and new images to appreciate.

    I will obviously will be careful with the real people, that are posting their own original content. And I will keep the community curated that way. Obviously, will count with you to help me curate it as well.

    Also, have a plan in mind on trying to find ways for people to be earning not only rewards in HIVE but also, other token on the platform. But that will be revealed in time if we can get the community going. But know that this community will be just one of the places where you could be earning rewards. The idea is to multiply the number of rewards you can make.

    What type of Posts do I want to see

    Photographers work in many different ways and there are many types of different posts that can be done. I don't want to restrict you. So the majority of posts will be welcome, from series, to collections, to daily blogs with your photos.

    Single Photo posts with short descriptions are accepted. But I have to say, that the type of content here on HIVE is not directed to those, so you probably would just be reducing the amount of rewards with those.

    In the future and with the idea that I have in mind, I want to work on a way that you will still be able to make money that way, but for now, I probably would not recommend that.

    The Team

    There is no team, it is just me myself and I, maybe in the future and if we grow I will be able to bring some more people, a team of moderators and curators to help me see all the content and not miss anything. But to start it is just me. And obviously, all of you that want to give a chance to a new community.

    I will be focusing on the art of Photography and would love to come up with some new and different ideas that were never done here before. Hopefully this would be just the beginning of something amazing for all the photographers out there that are struggling with getting their photos seen.

    Views and Engagement

    We all know how difficult and low are the views and engagement in here on the blockchain. Another of the goals on the community it is to make it as human as possible. We want people in here. There are a lot of tools helping making the HIVE community going and generating rewards for people, but that takes the social part, of a social platform. With the community I would like to see that change as well, and I would like to see the Social part to be back in the Platform.

    The World is burning.png

    artifact (11).jpg

    unnamed (3).jpg




    image0 (1).jpeg



    is reflection a reality .jpg

    artifact (29).jpg



    unnamed (10).jpg

    The beach house.jpg

    Walk in nature.jpg

    Sail away.png

    If there are any questions you might want to ask me about the community feel free to do it now.

    Above there is a random selection of many of my work, Just so you can see how diverse you can be.

    I can't assure you a lot of rewards now in the beginning, since I am just starting but I sure hope I can catch the attention of many of the photographers that are in the community and as we grow, so everyone's HIVE Power and rewards can grow as well.

    So what do you say? Do you want to join me here in the Photographers community?
    Join here

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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