The Coffee Shop Prompt - Week 53 San Cristobal Coffee Shop

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Conversing with the barista or barista at a café can add an additional layer of enjoyment to the experience of drinking a cup of coffee. Conversation with the café staff can be interesting for a number of reasons, including the barista may have a deep knowledge of coffee and its preparation, which can lead to fascinating conversations about the provenance of the beans, brewing methods, and even tips for making good coffee at home.


    This is the case of the baristas that work in the San Cristobal coffee shop, they are very experienced baristas, we always try to make a space for conversation because their stories are entertaining and educational, our center always carries out recreational activities in this place and we thank them for their work.


    They explain to us what type of beans they are using, what part of the country they come from and what proportion of arabica and robusta beans should be used for milling, since their characteristics vary according to the region where they are harvested, and from there they know their flavor profiles and how they influence the final cup.


    They also guide us on what type of coffee goes well with desserts, cheeses, breads or any other food that we want to enjoy with our cup of coffee. With much kindness they give us ideas about complementary flavors and how to highlight the flavor profiles of both the coffee and the food itself.

    Atendiendo .jpg

    Not only does it provide us with personalized recommendations, suggesting coffees based on the tastes of each of us, but it also shares information about new products or special promotions.


    This interaction makes you feel cared for in a special way since you add to the enjoyment of your cup of coffee a touch of education, entertainment and warmth, that is why we always try to visit them to enjoy their company.


    I appreciate your reading and sharing our humble experience.
    The images are my property.
    Use the Translator DeepL

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