Incorruptible prosecutor.

in voilk •  5 months ago


    I was leaning by my car in front of the hotel where Chief Kunle had scheduled a meeting with me.
    The gate was wide open with a security guard standing by the gate to scan the vehicles moving into the premises.

    I noticed a few minute break in traffic.

    The guard looked around and noticed my presence a few meters away. He closed the gate for the first time and walked up to me.

    "Good evening, Sir," he greeted. "You have been standing here for some minutes. How may I help you, Sir?"

    "I am here to see Chief Kunle."

    "Are you Inspector Benard?" The guard enquired.

    "Are you expecting one Inspector Benard at your hotel?"

    "Chief called me about an hour ago. He directed me to welcome one Inspector Benard to his private office pending his arrival. If you are not Inspector Benard, you may reach out to Chief for him to tell you where you are to wait for him. It's prohibited to loiter around here."

    He couldn't wait for my response immediately. A car was honking at the gate, waiting to be scanned in. He ran to the gate to get it opened.

    My phone rang and it was Chief Kunle that was calling.

    "Hello, Chief."

    "Tell the guard to let you in and tell him to direct you to my private office."

    As directed by the guard, I entered the expansive compound. The opulent hotel with its manicured gardens and imposing entryway was an epitome of an exclusive lifestyle that only the wealthy would be able to afford. The caliber of cars packed around the premises is enough to tell anyone that the hotel was for the high and mighty in the society.

    "Go inside and discuss with the receptionist. She will direct you further." The guard pointed to the entrance of the hotel. He returned to his duty post.

    I was welcomed to the reception by a lady that was simply stunning. No one could deny her features were carved by angels.

    "You are welcome, Sir. Are you here to lodge at our breathtaking and affordable facilities?" She asked with a glittering infectious smile.

    "I am here to see Chief Kunle."

    "Alright, Sir. Give me a minute."

    She dialed a number on the landline phone on her table.

    I used the opportunity to look round and admire the quality of the designs and decorations in the reception.

    "Is it possible for a civil servant's salary to fund this?" I asked myself.

    "Sir," the receptionist called back my attention. "You can go inside. Here is a tag to direct you." She hung the tag on my neck and I entered the main building.

    The technology in use in the hotel is amazing. I trekked a few meters through the doorway and met three doors, one at my front and each by my sides.

    "The chairman's office? Press the green button." This was the inscription on the door by my right.

    I pressed the button and a passcode from the access tag was requested. I raised my tag and input the code and that was it, the door opened. I repeated the procedure twice more before finding myself in the heaven on earth called office.

    "Inspector Benard, you are welcome. Please have your seat."

    "I was waiting for you at the gate. I didn't realize when you passed."

    Chief Kunle grinned. "No third party should see you and I enter this hotel together. They could guess right about our purpose of being here. I entered through the rare gate.

    "Without wasting time, name your price. The key to kill this case is in your hands. I am ready to pay you any amount that you requested to make this case die. Can we have a deal?"

    Chief Kunle was a former head of a government revenue generating agency. He was suspended from office to pave the way for the investigation of allegations of embezzling billions of naira of public funds leveled against him.

    Investigation had been concluded by a team of policemen that I led. From documents obtained at the course of my investigation, Chief Kunle had a case to answer in court. He was subsequently charged on two counts at a high court.

    Since the beginning of the court sitting, he had been sending emissaries to me. I turned down every overture of bribery to destroy some documents. He summoned the courage to reach out to me by himself.

    "Whatever price you want, name it and get it delivered to you," he had told me over the phone in our last conversation before scheduling the meeting in his hotel.

    My pen fell from my hand. I bent to pick it with my right hand while my left hand spent about three seconds on the body camera power button. With the camera on, I sat back on my chair and the stage was set for negotiation.

    "I need to know how much the various contracts awarded to ghost companies cost. I am ready to help you but before I do that, you need to open up to me."

    "Inspector! You have all these documents. You know the amount that we are talking about."

    "Chief, we need to be snappy about this. Forget about the documents. How much are we talking about?"

    "Inspector, the contracts' cost total around the vicinity of 7 billion naira." There were wrinkles across my forehead. My legs trembled in surprise. The document with my team only indicated misappropriation of 5 billion Naira.

    "500 million naira is my price to set you off the hook."

    "That is too much!" Chief exclaimed.

    7% of the misappropriated fund is a fair demand from me. I need 50% of the money before I leave here. Your next appearance in court is in a month. We need to start the underground work now.

    "500 million naira is not worth my freedom. I will give you 300 million naira worth of dollars. After my eventual discharge and acquittal, I will give you the 200 million naira balance."

    Chief Kunle reached out to his drawer and brought out a briefcase. He picked out some bundles and enveloped them.

    "Here is it, Inspector." He handed the envelope to me.

    In another few minutes, I got to the reception. I returned the entrance tag and headed to my car. I stepped into my car and I remembered that my body camera was still on. I pressed the power button for a few seconds to get it off. I drove out of the premises.

    Chief Kunle walked majestically to the courtroom on the next adjourned date. His smile was radiant, lighting up her entire face with warmth and joy.

    At the mention of the case, I took the permission of the judge to amend the charges.

    Chief Kunle was puzzled and confused. He looked on as I stood up to make my statements.

    "My lord, I am adding a third count to the allegation against the accused.

    "That you, Chief Kunle, within the jurisdiction of this honorable court, offered a bribe to the chief prosecutor for the course of justice to be perverted. Your action is against section 45, subsection 1 of the criminal code of the federal republic."

    Chief Kunle was totally in shock about the new turn of events.

    He pleaded not guilty to the charge.

    "My lord, I have the evidence of the third charge on tape. I seek your permission to play it.

    There was a pin drop silence in the courtroom while the video played on.

    "My lord, I hereby apply for the revocation of the bail earlier granted the accused."

    "Objection my lord," the defense counsel stood up. "My client has the right to enjoy his bail. This clip needs to be authenticated before admitting it as an exhibit. In the process of doing that, my client deserves to enjoy his bail."

    In his short ruling, the judge revoked the bail.

    "The dimension and gravity of the emerging allegation has made it most appropriate for me to revoke the bail so that investigation of the latest charge is not tampered with.

    "The bail is hereby revoked. The accused should be remanded at the state medium prison till the next adjourned date."

    The ruling of the judge set the stage for Chief Kunle to face the consequences of his actions.

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