My Last Month Journey of Faith

in voilk •  3 months ago

    There is this unending joy that comes with being where we find meaning to what we are searching for. It comes with a sense of satisfaction, and this is seen in what we do and say. Why am I beginning this article with this?

    The reason is that I found my sense of peace and joy in being a Catholic. Sometimes, I just personally tell myself, "you made the right choice, this is where you should be," and I'm so proud of myself for finding that place which is best for me.

    Every Christian will know that the last month was a significant one. It was a month that we commemorate the suffering, the death, and the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ which we can in short call the Paschal Mystery. For me as a Catholic, the journey began on Ash Wednesday, which marked our season of Lent. During the Lenten season, I actively participated in the three pillars of it which were prayer, fasting, and charity.

    After that, one of the main highlights of last month for me was Holy Week. Holy week is one week I don't think I can consciously miss as a Catholic because it is the most sacred period. Every day in this week comes with its own unique activity such as the Mass of the Lord's Supper, Maundy Thursday, and the veneration of the cross which is done on Good Friday. All these helped me in preparing myself spiritually for Christ's resurrection.


    Throughout the season, I made sure I joined masses no matter how exhausted I felt. Palm Sunday was amazing as he processed and sang victorious songs to our risen Lord. The Lenten period was a great spiritual exercise for me, participating actively and fully in these activities, I was opened to a deeper understanding of the teachings of the church, and that drew me closer to my belief.

    Easter Sunday was one filled with so much joy in my heart. I felt the day shouldn't end, celebrating Christ's victory over death filled my mind with better hope for the future. The mass was one I would never forget and also one that makes me anticipate the next Easter celebration. Less I forget, the Lenten season is my favorite in the church's calendar. St. Peter's, UNIUYO, did amazingly well, hymns echoed through the church as everyone joined in singing alleluia to the risen Lord.

    Easter for me is always a source of hope. Having that faith that our Lord conquered death and rose, my faith is strong to believe that life's challenges are not too difficult for Him to handle. His ability to conquer death and take the keys is a promise that Christ is a living hope, reassuring believers that even if we are facing the darkest phase of life, He is always there for us and would bring light to all our struggles.

    Looking forward to the near future, I carry nothing but still the hope that comes from Easter. I'm always encouraged to be actively living and practicing my faith in accordance with Christ's teachings. Last month's celebration has been guiding my journey through this month with the full knowledge that the hope of Easter is ever alive.

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