The New Fab Ruleset | Taking The New Perks

in voilk •  4 months ago


    The biggest ranked based update we all have been waiting for is already launched during the end of the season and I must say it is really amazing so far since there is no more limit to the level of monster cards you can use in any league as long as the summoner you are using is in line with the requirement of card level that come with it, which means even at novice league, if you have a lvl 8 summoner, you can make us of your maxed cards, this update really usher in new change which now make more players to start renting max cards to play their games, there was a time I was eyeing a card so i can rent it and before I knew it, someone rent it, almost everyone aren't bothered about the lower league now or the leaderboard, we just want to reach the champion league and also enjoy out of the juicy champion league rewards ( what I'm actually hoping for).

    With this update, there are two new rulesets that came with it and I do call them the fab rules which limit the amount of card position we can use in battles, so far this rules are really cool at my end here because I do win most of my battles that come with this rule set and most times it come with high or average mana capped. Taking a look at Fabfour, it allow us to make use of just 4 units irrespective of the mana given, we can only usher in just 4 monster cards which means when selecting your cards you have to pick the extra-ordinary one that can withstand attacks and stay strong in battle.

    Screenshot 2024-03-07 at 21.58.52.png

    battle link

    Checking out the battle I had with Mannabomb which was capped at 28 mana, Immediately i saw the fabfour rule set I know I have to get my stronger cards ready then I check the other rule set available, fog of war which wont allow any snipe or sneak attack and also earthquake which will dealt damage to non attacking cards. Based on the element given, I would have picked water element but the earthquake discourage me because I don't have flying cards there so I had to pick earth element instead. Taking about strong cards with the rule set combo, I went with Pelacor Mercenary with heal and flying ability which make it on the save side, because of the earthquake, I decided to pick 2 martyr cards while placing them side by side kron the undying

    I actually had this satisfying spirit that I picked the right cards because I know the two martyr cards will puff my cards especially kron who will still activate the last stand ability at the end, my opponent picked his best cards by using baakjira which is a non attacking cards but wasn't expecting what I will bring onboard which is more dangerous than what he brought in and I won the battle free and fair, what do you think about this combo?


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