Artist at work! ^_^

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Hello hivers, an happy Thursday to you all!
    The Easter Day is just around the corner and even if I don't decor my home for the Easter time, I can't wait to eat some good chocolate eggs like I use to do every year since I was a child!

    It's raining hard here and so I can't spend my pauses from work walking outside close to the small river not so far from my home, but I find anoter way tomove my legs: I move my body while I'm painting a large canvas inside my lab!
    You have to know that I love to paint large canvas standing in front of the easel with music in my ears and I have a list of song I like to listen (just for example: Paint it black by Rolling Stones, With a little help of my friends in the version by Joe Cocker, songs by Black Eyed Peas, Nirvana, Ultravox, System of a down and other ones).

    As you can understand, while I'm painting it happens I can't stay quiet all the time and my legs (and my arms) feel the need to move themselves.

    Maybe it's because, when I was a young girl, I studied dance (classic and modern) and even if now my old bones are not the same, I can't resist to the music. ^_^

    Yesterday I was taking some pics to share on my social while I was painting and, in the first one you can see me focused on the artwork, in the second one you can see me while I was move my body listening Pump it by Black Eyed Peas. I know, it's funny!

    DSCN8438 (2).JPG

    DSCN8439 (2).JPG

    Just to know, this is the canvas I was working on:


    See ya soon and stay safe,

    ***If you like my artworks, you can find them on my online shops on
    Artfinder (, on Etsy ( and on my Patreon page too ( If you are interested about my artworks, you can buy my catalogue here:

    US (
    Italy (
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    You can find it in different countries, you have just to search "silvia beneforti portfolio" on Amazon. ^^
    ^ ****

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