Human and artificial intelligence are two different things.

in voilk •  3 months ago

    We have all been seeing how artificial intelligence is ruling the world. So many people have even lost their jobs because I am doing most of them now.
    I was talking to one of my bosses some months ago, and I knew he was a forex trader. I asked him why he wasn't at work, and he told me they just got AI, which works perfectly for them now. Which means people are gradually losing their jobs.
    On the other hand, we need AI in society. I mean, there are lots of things this AI is doing for us.


    I just see it as a better improvement in society. Technology has really gone beyond our imaginations. So yes, It's pretty good in society.
    It makes our work faster and easier for us. We don't have to do so many things by ourselves again, as there is AI that will do it for us.

    We also need to understand that this AI can be used for something really bad. I mean extremely bad. But that wasn't what I wanted to talk about here.

    The question is: can AI replace humans or work better than humans by any chance?
    My answer is no, with a valid point. As I said earlier, AI is good and we need it in society, but AI can never do the same work humans are doing. I mean, we are the ones that created this AI, and we programmed it to do whatever we want to do. Knowing fully well that they can't do anything without the program we gave them.

    There is some work that can be given to AI to do for us. Once we program it, we are good to go. Like hard labor or any intelligence-related things. I have seen him working so well on the farm. Using them as tools, and so on.


    Let's come to think about it. Can I think like humans? Of course not. It is not possible for AI to think like humans; they don't have brains to produce. If you aren't instructing them, then they aren't doing anything meaningful. That is when you will realize that AI can never replace us. A human being knows what to do at the right time, and we know when something ain't right and when we need to do it right. If you did not program AI to do it right, then it might go wrong.

    And of course, there are some jobs that AI can never even replace, like lawyers. Tell me how you want to be a lawyer and represent humans in the field. or how did you want it to analyze cases? That is for you to know that AI can never replace humans.

    On the other hand, coaching. Especially any kinds of sporting activities. There's no place where AI can fit in this field. Because in these jobs, you have to have brains to do them.
    What about business marketing, or let me just talk about doctors? How exactly do you want AI to be a doctor and know what to do? Obviously, it is only human beings that can fit in in all these fields.

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