A walk through a wonderful valley in the Carpathians (En)

in voilk •  4 months ago


    Perhaps you have already been here with me? But every season in this place is special. If you are a little sad, a little cold, or on the contrary too hot, then come with me to a place where everything is perfect.
    Heaven on earth exists, but only if you leave all the bad things behind this hill.


    My favorite activity is to discover new places for my friends. To see delight and joy in their eyes. Then I begin to perceive and evaluate things that have been familiar for a long time in a new way.

    I have been to the waterfall in Kamyanka near Skole many times. In the winter of 2023, we went there with a new acquaintance. He had never been to the mountains in his life, so he was really fascinated by nature like a child!
    My friend liked the cozy cafe near the waterfall so much that he decided to celebrate his birthday there at the beginning of May... Well, he kept his word.
    So, on a wonderful spring day, we went to the mountains again.




    We drove on a new road for us... It is very narrow, winding and with a rise in height.

    If on the plains, the beginning of May is already late spring, then in the mountains, where it is cooler, nature is delayed for about two weeks. Such an interesting feeling. In your city, the trees have already blossomed, but here you come and admire the flowering of the trees again... Double spring:)


    Near the waterfall


    Our good old friend the Waterfall greeted us with familiar sounds. The water was very clean, with a turquoise hue. Later, in June summer thunderstorms will shake it.
    There were few tourists, because it was a normal working day in the middle of the week. So one guy from our company traditionally decided to swim in ice water. And the less brave people wandered, listening to the music of the water. Music that is eternal, healing, always new.



    I missed these little pieces of sunshine. Soon...




    Afterwards, we ordered food in a cozy cafe by the river. Since we were already a little hungry, I don't have enough table photos:)


    Our friend, who had a birthday, brought with him his musical instrument, which he relies on to never part with, namely the bandura.
    This is the Ukrainian national stringed instrument, one of the symbols of our country. Svyatoslav sings beautifully, he has a strong voice. However, that day he played only instrumental improvisations.

    It was some special and beautiful combination, sounds of bandura and waterfall.

    My secret glade



    Later we decided to go to a wonderful place a few kilometers from here, which I call Little Switzerland. Only local residents and some visitors know about it. This makes it a very cozy and secret place. I would like it to stay like this in the future...




    To get to the clearing, you should walk through a narrow wooden bridge or wade (of course, if it's warm and you can get your feet wet). Some people drive by here, but in my opinion this is unnecessary.
    In such places, it is better to leave the equipment away.
    All that day I dreamed of getting here. I have been here before, but too briefly. This place still beckons me...


    Our company split up, because the boys preferred to lie down and relax on the river bank, drinking tea. And I understand them very well! But we had about an hour and a half for being here... And I so wanted to visit different points of this valley, which I was already familiar with, which I missed. Another girl from the company also chose a walk.

    Let's go...:)



    Kamyanka (which means "Stony river") is very small, but picturesque. Interestingly, this name has been used for several rivers in Ukraine. This Kamyanka near Skole is only 11 km long and has several small tributaries.
    Its bottom is lined with flat stone slabs. And the shores are made of very ancient rocks that go in layers. It is very picturesque. If it were summer, I would love to walk here without shoes. There are small rapids on the river and another "secret" waterfall.




    That's where I hurried. The sun was already slowly going down, so half the valley was already in deep shadow. But the sun was still shining at the place of the waterfall, and its rays fantastically illuminated the water, stones, and young grass. Even now, looking at these photos, I feel how the power of nature can heal...






    The next location that caught my attention was a small area generously covered with yellow flowers (in Latin it is Caltha palustris). As I later read, they grow in swamps and near the banks of rivers, because they love moisture. There were incredibly many of them here...





    There are not many flowers in the mountains, but they are very valuable...



    The evening was rapidly changing colors around. The sun hid behind the mountain for good, and the bright blue sky and the juicy green grass and even the water, which reflects this world, became pastel, grayish.
    I had to say goodbye to my favorite place. So strange. I was here three times. Once we spent the night here in a tent. And there is a feeling that this is one of the homes.
    Does that happen to you?




    Already at dusk, we couldn't help but stop by the beloved town of Skole to say goodbye to the big river. Well, how to say... Opir is a big river only in comparison with Kamyanka.
    It was a beautiful day where everyone got what they needed in the wild world of nature.
    And today my friends also went to the mountains... But without me, because I'm sick.:(


    The mountains and the sea are two things that can bring me back to life.

    Thanks for your visit and support! I wish you many great journeys and strong impressions of this world...



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