Exploring Europe's Hidden Gems #2 Ghent

in voilk •  3 months ago

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    I had the chance to spend half a year of my life in the city known as the "City of Three Towers" , thanks to the European Erasmus + program. This city is located an hour from Brussels, the 3rd largest city in Belgium. Ghent is one of the most tourist places in Belgium thanks to its 3 towers, called the Belfry of Ghent.

    I spent one semester here at HOGENT University and had the opportunity to experience all the advantages and disadvantages of this city. It is a big student city where you meet a lot of young people and it is alive at night every day. Thanks to this, I had the chance to find this city's hidden corners, introduce them, and give you tips if you decide to visit Ghent.

    1) Belfry of Ghent

    On the other hand, I can't start with anything other than the most famous three towers that you can see from anywhere. The most beautiful view of the 3 towers is from the Sint-Michielsbrug bridge, which is also where the photo below was taken.

    [//]:# (!pinmapple 51.05389 lat 3.72058 long view on Belfry of Ghent d3scr)

    In the middle tower, called "Belfort van Gent", you can buy a 5 euro entry to the observation deck where you can experience a spectacular sunset. It is a tower that dates back to 1313 and its uniqueness is the golden dragon placed on top of the tower, from which fire shoots during the annual festivals.

    2) Graslei

    It is the main relaxation zone for tourists, students, and all residents of Ghent. Here you can relax and enjoy the views of the canal and the adjacent typical Belgian buildings. This is the famous waterfront where you can sit anywhere and let the city of Ghent impress you. There are plenty of bars and restaurants where you can buy anything and enjoy it right here. The place has charm day and night.

    For tourists traveling by car. Ghent is struggling to get cars out of the city center and therefore there are zones everywhere where you have to pay or even not enter. If you will travel to Ghent you have to register your car (but it is free) on the website of the city:

    In the next episodes we'll take a look at other great places Ghent has to offer!

    -----------------All photos mentioned in this story are mine-----------------

    Have a great day and don’t forget to take a walk!

    Helping with translations: Deepl
    Helping with grammar: Grammarly

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