The Rarity Draw Update | Making Glints Rewards More Interesting

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Really love the recent upgrade added to the glint reward shop this time around, like they really gave us the last option to choose what we actually want to do with the glint we earn. First it was the master draw which cost 5k glint but with different % , when it came out I kind of like it and I had to choose the master draw over others because I was hoping to get more leggy based cards so as to build my legendary soulbound cards but seems it wasn't that easy to get what I want until the end of session when the new update came and we saw the main deal The Rarity Draw

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    This really make sense because even if you are to spend your hard earn glint, you will be sure to choose which one you want and be certain you will be getting that particular type of card that you want. I know with this update, players will surely take it more serious so they can build up their glint and get more cards to their collections. Currently I'm focus on the rare draw and also the legendary draw, since the only soul bound summoner we have now are the rare based with the conscript ability which allow us to make use of gladiator cards in our normal battle, currently I have at least lvl 5 of this summoner and the couple rare draw I have opened so far have giving me some of this summoners, having it at 500 glint really make it more easier to open, with 50k glint, I can open 100 of it and there are chance I will meet more of this summoner in it, I know soon I should be able to max this summoners.

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    The interesting part is the Legendary draw, it really put smile on some people face but still thinking if the 25k glint isn't too high because getting glint is now harder than before, the whole glint earning was 3x before, 1x going to the glint balance while 2x is going to the the seasonal loot which look cool back then for average players not earning enough glint but got reduced to 2x now even though the amount of glint increased to like 50% extra

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    With the 8 legendary draw opened so far, I'm really amazed with what I saw so far especially the kulu mastermind which I have been dreaming of having in my collection because of the weapon training ability, have seen situation where this card work wonders especially when opponent decide to pair it with baakjira during low mana cap battle and it is always a win, this time around I got two of it which means 9 more left to max it, got a gold leggy musa saline which I converted to glint so as to get more leggy and I finally got iziar too which is one cool magic card in life element.

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    battle link

    This is one of my battle for the day that worth sharing mainly because of the ruleset combo True Aim that always make attackers hit their target and Equal opportunity that allow cards with this ability attack their opponent card with the lowest health. This combo made me decided to go all in with some of my melee attack from life element since with the opportunity they can always attack from any position, I had to pick 3 strong melee cards Uriel, Mantaroth and Scarred Unicorn then add the low health cards like Venari marksrat, celestial harpy and soul fiend, I could guess my opponent wasn't expecting them but he brought in two demoralizers, seems he is familiar with opportunity and melee combo but that wasn't enough to hold me down for so long, Check out how the battle really play out?


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