She is no more.. (The story of a mother's death)

in voilk •  4 months ago


    It was midnight and silence was everywhere. But a voice was constantly heard as if someone was crying.

    "Stop, Hamza, how long will you keep crying? Insha'Allah, everything will be fine." It was a girl's voice that consoled him.

    " No, nothing will be fine Mirab. Everything is finished. If something happens to my mom, I don't think I can survive either. You all know that I cannot live without her." Hamza said while sighing.

    "Yes, yes, I know, but this is not the time to cry but to pray nothing will happen to Razia Khala. She will recover very soon."Mirab said while comforting Hamza.
    "Remember Mirab, when my mother made our relationship, she was very happy that my son liked her. Who cared so much about my little likes, how can she be lying on the bed like this?" Hamza said while hitting the wall.

    "Hamza don't lose hope, nothing will happen. I am saying again to pray. It will be morning very soon. The doctors have said that they are doing their best". Mirab said while placing his hand on Hamza's shoulder.

    "Who never lets me cry, can't see the tears in my eyes. How long have I been crying and won't shut me up." Hamza said while wiping the tears.

    " Which of you is the patient's son?" The doctor said while leaving the ICU. "Yes, I am. Why? Is that all good, isn't it? My mother will be fine, won't she?" Hamza started speaking quickly.

    "See we are trying our best but her BP is not under control. Now just pray and come with me, we have to sign some forms." The doctor points to Hamza.

    "Which form doctor?" Hamza said questioningly. "Look, the hospital has some formalities that need to be fulfilled. Some forms require your signature. Come with me." The doctor guided Hamza.
    "You stay here with mom. Don't move from here. I'll be back in a little while." Hamza said addressing Mirab.

    "I am telling you again, don't leave mother alone." Hamza stopped while walking and then started talking to Mirab.

    "I will not go anywhere. She has the status of a mother for me too. You should not worry." Mirab said while comforting Hamza.

    "Hamza my child. Where is Hamza? Let me meet him at last." Razia said while addressing the nurse. "Who is Hamza among you? The patient is calling him quickly." The nurse came out of the ICU and said.
    "Hamza has gone with the doctor, he will be there. All is well, isn't it?" Mirab said standing up from the bench.
    "See, the patient has called Hamza, call him quickly." The nurse said to Mirab. In such a long time, Hamza was coming from the other side. Mirab signalled him with his hand to come quickly.

    "Has mom regained consciousness?" Hamza came running and said to Mirab. "I don't know. The nurse has just said that aunt is calling you. Go and see." Mirab said to Hamza in a trembling voice.

    "Mom, I am with you. Get well soon, then we will go home. I can't see you in this condition. You know how much I love you." Hamza enteredthe ICU and said holding his mother's hand.

    "Hamza my jan, everyone has to die. Death is confirmed not today then it will be tomorrow. How long will you continue to spend so much on this old mother? Let me go." Razia said keeping her hand on Hamza's head.

    "No, Mom, I will not let you go. Baba left me when I was a child. If you also leave, I will be left behind alone. Who is mine except you?" Hamza said while kissing his mother's hand...
    "Mirab is with you, she will take care of you. I also want to talk to her". Razia tried to get up.

    "No, Mom, stay up, I'm calling Mirab." Hamza said while kissing her mom's forehead.
    Hamza came out crying and started crying louder. Seeing this, Mirab was very worried.
    *"Hamza you have started crying again, I said Mom will be fine, please Don't cry. Mirab said while supporting Hamza.

    "Mom is calling you Mirab. Come with me." Hamza said holding Mirab's hand.

    "Mirab It's time for me to go. Take care of Hamza after I'm gone. Don't let him miss anything. And yes, if I have a grandson tomorrow, name him Ali."
    Razia said with a smile.
    "Aunt, no. Why you are talking like this, nothing will happen to you. Inshallah, you will name your grandson yourself. And you will play him in your lap." Mirab said holding his aunt's hands.

    "No, my child, I can see my death. I also saw your uncle in my dream. I don't think I can survive till morning." Razia said in a low voice.

    'For God's sake, Mom please don't say like that. Otherwise, my heart will burst after listening to your words. May God give you my age too. What nonsense you talking about?" Hamza said while crying.
    "Hamza, come here, my son, sit by me, I have to talk to you about something important." Razia addressed Hamza.

    "Yes, mother, I am listening. Your command is on the head and eyes." Hamza said while sitting on the bed of the mother.

    "Don't make yourself cry after I'm gone. And yes, give more love to my future grandson. More charity. And yes, continue to pray for me. I don't know in the next world, What difficulties have to be faced." Razia said while advising Hamza.

    Razia had said so much that suddenly her breath was taken away and her eyes closed.

    "Doctor, Doctor. Hey somebody call a doctor. Nurse called the doctor quickly, to see what happened to my mom. Mom be conscious, see, I am with you." Hamza patted his mother's cheek and said.

    "Look, both of you go out, the patient is in a very serious condition, let us treat her." The doctor said while addressing Mr. Hamza.

    "Hamza come with me, it is time for Fajar prayer. After performing the prayer, we will pray for Aunt." Mirab held Hamza's hand and took him outside.

    Hamza prayed while crying and began to pray in a long prostration.

    "Oh my Allah, only the shadow of my mother is left on my head, don't take it away from me. You deprived me from my father's kindness since childhood, don't deprive me from my mother's kindness. Oh Allah, you hears everyone's prayers. Accept mine. May Allah give my mother a long honorable life. You knows everything that my life rests in my mother." Hamza hummed and prayed. After a ten minute long prayer, Hamza came back outside the ICU where Mirab was reciting Yasin.

    *"Did you come after praying? Mirab asked Hamza. "How's the mom now? Did the doctor give you an information?" Hamza asked in a worried manner.

    "Doctors are not out yet, the treatment is going on. You sit here and read Durood Sharif." Mirab said while holding Hamza's hand.

    Meanwhile, the ICU door opened and the doctor came out
    "Doctor How's my mom? Is there no danger?" Hamza asked the doctor.

    *"See Mr. Hamza we have tried our best but Allah willing. I know it's a big loss for you but we couldn't save your mother. I'm sorry.

    She is no more

    The doctor placed his hand on Hamza's shoulder and left. Hamza entered the ICU.
    "Mom, you can't leave me. Get up, mom, see your son is crying. How can you leave me crying. Mom, please get up and say once that son, I am with you. Mirab, look, mother is not waking up. Tell them that Hamza is calling." Hamza was tried to awake his mom and cried loudly.

    "Hamza I know this is a big shock for you but this is the truth please don't cry. Mom's soul will be hurt. Stand up and arrange the burial shroud" Mirab comforted Hamza while she herself was crying.

    "Wait, Mirab, let me see my mother for the last time in my life. After this, I will never see today face again." Hamza said crying loudly.

    Hamza kissed his mother's forehead and covered her with a blanket over her face and started arranging her burial.

    (From the time he left the room until the burial, there was never a moment when Hamza was silent. Hamza was crying continuously. Hamza had no courage to see his mother's burial. He fainted on the spot after seeing this sight. After the passing of his mother, not a single day went by that Hamza did not cry remembering his mother.)

    What a beautiful gift mother is, with which your life seems happy and blessed. Life without mother seems completely desolate. May Allah grant all mothers a long and healthy life.

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