Battle Mage Secrets - Fog of War

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Greetings Summoners! Welcome to Battle Mage Secrets. The Battle Mage Secrets is a challenge where every week players must test their strategic skills in battle for specific rules. This week the specific rule is "Fog of War":

    • All units lose the Sneak, Snipe, and Opportunity abilities.

    • Scattershot still works in this ruleset.

    This battle was played in a Splinterlands tournament where all sets (Alpha, Beta, Untamed, Chaos Legion and Rebellion) were allowed to play. It was in the "Gauntlet Wild Novice Invitational". This tournament has a novice format so only level 1 cards can be used. Let's see the rules, the team and the details of the battle.

    Battle Rules & Strategy

    This is a 46 mana battle with 3 battle rules (Noxious Fumes, Stampede and Fog of War). All elements except Fire, Water and Earth are allowed to play.

    Noxious FumesAll units are Poisoned at the start of the game. Units with Immunity are not poisoned.
    StampedeTrample will retrigger infinitely as long as the trampling unit keeps killing other units. Higher HP and speed are the key in this ruleset. Dispel helps to remove Trample.
    Fog of WarAll units lose the Sneak, Snipe, and Opportunity abilities. Scattershot still works in this ruleset.

    Strategy & Tips

    • Pick a strong tank!

    • Monsters with high HP are important (Noxious Fumes battle rule)

    • Do not use monsters with Sneak, Snipe and Opportunity abilities (Fog of War battle rule)

    • Use monsters with the immunity ability (Noxious Fumes battle rule)

    • Using summoners with Heal or Triage like Byzantine Kitty or Lily Shieldpaw is a good idea to keep our monsters alive as long as possible

    My Lineup

    Byzantine Kitty: Strong legendary summoner that gives +2 Speed, True Strike and Tank Heal to all friendly monsters at the start of the battle.

    Be not distracted by cuteness and fluff,
    Byzantine Kitty is cuddly but tough,
    If you dare to think kitty is merely a pet,
    You haven't faced kitty in battle just yet.

    Djinn Chwala: I like this tank as he does damage back to the attacker.

    Redwyrm Dragon: Amazing Magic attack card with a nice combination of Magic, Armor and HP. Even if its mana cost is high, it's a perfect card for high mana battles.

    Venari Marksrat: When this Monster dies, adjacent Monsters get +1 to all stats.

    Almo Cambio: Fast and high HP. This card has no attack so it gains Zyriel's ranged attack.

    Zyriel: Very useful card as it gives adjacent units with no attack this unit's attack, up to a maximum of 3.

    Evelyn Auvera: This card has no attack so it gains Zyriel's ranged attack.

    The Battle

    Click here to see the full battle!

    This was a great battle. I think my strategy worked well. We have been able to make a solid team. We have managed to use a varied combination of different types of damage (melee, magic and ranged) and win the battle. So I am happy with the result and the strategy I used. I have won 52.84 SPS for finishing 13th in this tournament. It was amazing! Entry was free and there were 246 players registered.

    Personally I like the Fog of War rule, but we must be careful not to use monsters with Sneak, Snipe and Opportunity abilities so as not to be at a disadvantage.

    Battle results

    Tournament ranking

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