Gluten Free Plantain & Coconut Flour Crepes Stuffed with Chicken in Yogurt Sauce & Vegetables

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hi, foodies in the Hive!

    I hope everyone is having a great season, everyone honoring their traditions 😁❤️

    More than anything, I'm taking these holidays to rest, read what I like and watch some series and movies I had pending; just today I finished re-reading Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and tonight, we're watching the last episode of the series 3 Body Problem. But not everything can be rest and fun; we know that we can't rest from cooking, for example, at least not those of us who are our own cooks. Oh, but it doesn't mean we can't have fun. Things can always get interesting in the kitchen.


    You probably know that I avoid gluten whenever I can, so today I made some crepes without wheat flour. I used whole eggs, ripe plantain, and homemade coconut flour that I made from leftover coconut bagasse from making milk. With this mixture I was able to make some pretty light crepes that I filled with chicken in yogurt sauce and some vegetables, including a good deal of delicious and crunchy broccoli.



    For 2 wraps 🌯🌯

    I don't know how much broccoli costs where you are, but I remember that before I couldn't buy it as often as now; nowadays I can buy this broccoli the size of my head for 1.5$. That is very economical here in Venezuela.


    Yogurt Dressing

    • 100 gr yogurt
    • 1 teaspoon freshly minced garlic
    • 4 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
    • 3 tablespoons olive oil
    • 1/2 teaspoon salt

    • Freshly cracked black pepper for garnish


    • 250 gr half ripe plantain, peeled and chopped
    • 2 whole eggs (M)
    • 1/2 cup homemade coconut flour
    • 2 tablespoons olive oil
    • 1/2 teaspoon salt
    • 2 cups water

    • 1 tablespoon margarine to fry the first crepe


    • 150 gr chicken breast fillets, cut into strips less than 1 cm wide and about 4 cm long
    • 1 tablespoon freshly minced garlic
    • 1 tablespoon freshly cracked black pepper
    • 1 tablespoon cane sugar
    • 15 ml soy sauce
    • 1 tablespoon ground turmeric
    • salt to taste

    • Enough oloive oil to sautee

    • 2 tablespoons yogurt to mix with the chicken once it's cooked

    • 1 sliced tomato
    • 1/2 sliced avocado




    I'll make 4 crepes but will only use two. The other two can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.

    Try to choose a plantain that is not too ripe. The riper the plantain, the harder it is to flip the crepe and the more fragile it is as well. (Unripe pantains work best for crepes and has less sugar.)


    Peel and cut the plantain into piecec small enough to be processed by your blender. Add the water, oil, salt, and flour. Let the blender do its job until the batter is homogeneous.


    Use margarine to "fry" the first crepe. You won't need to grease the pan again. One laddle of mixture will be enough for a 27 cm crepe. With this much batter, you will be able to make 4 crepes this size.


    Be careful when flipping them so they won't stick to the pan and break. Use your hands better than a spatula.

    You can use a little vinegar in the mixture to get crepes lighter in color. I do it sometimes, but not today.


    As you can see, plantain makes really thin and light crepes even when there's coconut flour in the batter.


    It's important that as soon as you take them out of the pan, you cover them so they won't harden; otherwise you won't be able to fold them to make wraps. Keep your crepes safe and let's get to work on the filling and dressing 😋



    Chicken Strips

    Prepare a marinade in a bowl big enough to put the chicken with the freshly minced garlic, freshly cracked black pepper, soy sauce, ground turmeric, and salt.


    Cut the chicken fillets and marinate for 5 minutes before cooking.


    Cook them in a small amount of hot oil until tender, about 7 minutes approx.


    Once out of the pan, add 1-2 spoonfuls of yogurt and stir well. I add the liquid from the yogurt as well; it makes the chicken moister and my dressing firmer.


    Vegetables: broccoli, tomato, avocado

    When I buy broccoli, I wash it and sort it into three parts. The florets go into a stir-fry, soup, or salad, while the more tender stalks go into creamy soup; finally, the thicker stalks, which are more fibrous, go into vegetable broth which I freeze until it's time to use it. Today I'm using half of the florets (3 ups approx.).


    Without washing it, use the same pan where you cooked the chicken strips to sauté the broccoli florets. Do it over high flame and only for a minute or less if you like your broccoli crunchy with all its vitamins.


    Tomato & Avocado

    Just slice as much as you want but have in mind that the crepes we're using are a little fragile.


    Sprinkle with lemon to prevent the avocado from browning.



    Yogurt Dressing

    This is a simple dressing, but it's also a game changer. Its intense flavor makes up for almost anything you've done wrong with your wrap fillings 😆.

    Crush the garlic well in a mortar. Add the yogurt, olive oil, and salt. Mix well...


    ...Transfer to serving bowls to go with each wrap.


    Sprinkle some freshly cracked black pepper on top for garnish and extra flavor.


    Assembling the Wraps!

    Carefully arrange the fillings inside the crepe, leaving free the area that will form the tip of the cone.


    Again very carefully, secure the cone-shaped wrap with a toothpick.


    We've succeded so far. All fillings are inside, and the wrap looks fine 😋


    It's time for dressing!

    I like to add just some of the dressing and add more as I eat the wrap.


    Ripe plantain makes crepes more fragile than the unripe plantain, but it adds a sweet touch that goes very well with certain fillings. It's a matter of taste and varying the recipe from time to time to avoid getting bored.


    I hope you've find this recipe useful 😁❤️


    What are your favorite crepe fillings?

    Bon appetite!



    All text and images are my own. I have taken the pictures with my Redmi 9T cell phone. And if any GIFs here, I've used GIPHY for all them.


    Thank you so much for your visit :)

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