Upgrade to Cheap PC - GPU

in voilk •  3 months ago

    So, It'd been a while since I last made an upgrade video on my PC. Today it's all about my GPU, which even though I'm still rocking my old CPU, nets me some seriously surprising results.

    I didn't test many games and only one benchmark here, but my move to Windows (which means better video recording through Shadowplay) will certainly helps things out in the future.

    I've already made a post saying how I sold my PS4 to buy this RTX 2060 but it's great to see synthetically how much of a difference it makes. And it really is surprising despite me not having changed my CPU just yet.
    With every like I get closer and closer to having the PC of my dreams, so if you enjoyed the video and have been enjoying my posts, make sure to leave a like, it really helps.

    In this video:

    I move to Windows so my brother can play Fortnite, but the results are rather not satisfactory because of my weak old CPU.

    I download a legacy version of CSGO and see framerates go from 145 to 211 on the classic FPS benchmark workshop map.

    Tomb Raider's (2013) median FPS goes from 112 to 189.

    Cyberpunk on low goes from 64 to 69, nice.
    But, on Ultra settings with DLSS on Quality, it gets 65 FPS, which if it wasn't limited by the CPU, it would've been a lot higher, but this result is already pretty satisfactory, still, can't wait to upgrade my CPU and see things get even better, specially for that sweet sweet RTX gameplay.

    Unigine Heaven goes from an average of 46 to 144 and a high of 107 to 332.

    And then you get to see some boxes. If you wish to see how the GPU look, check out my previous post!

    Thanks for watching and reading! This was really fun to make.

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