Air Fryer Diaries: I Bought Some Air Fryer Accessories (Unboxing)

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Ever since we got the air fryer as a gift from my bestie last year, it has been a huge help to us especially in preparing healthier yet delicious food.

    Aside from this fact, I've enjoyed baking using the air fryer as well. I prepare cake for my family using healthier ingredients like banana, sweet potato, and so on. I also tend to use less sugar and utilize canola oil instead of butter. Every time I use milk, I add soy milk, too.

    All in all, it's a much healthier choice compared to deep frying stuff or buying cakes from the pastry shop. We haven't bought cake for a long time now, because my parents now enjoy my cake more!

    Last week, I ordered some accessories I could use for our air fryer and they arrived last night. Let's do some unboxing!


    It didn't have the usual Lazada package, but all is well. haha At least, there's less plastic used in this item. :)



    There are a bunch of stuff inside, so it's really a good deal. I only paid less than $15 dollars for this and it already includes the shipping fee.


    Here are all the items inside the box, but let me show them to you by batch.


    I finally have a round baking pan and a silicon cupcake molder! I used to bake my cake in two separate oval pan which I used in making leche flan in the past. haha

    Mama requested I make some muffins, so I guess, I'd be able to do so now. :)


    This is for pizza. I want to try making it, so I have to learn how to make a pizza dough first. There's also this insulator and tongs.


    There are also these tools for grilling. One of them is for toasting bread. We love grilling using charcoal, though... perhaps we can also try it on the air fryer sometimes. haha


    A brush and a pot holder tongs are also included. These cupcake paper cups were freebies from the seller.

    I have already tried some of the items. I baked a cake last night using the round cake pan.


    We didn't have any banana, so I made a sweet potato cake instead. Luckily, there were still some boiled potatoes left, so I grated them and made this. The crust of this cake was so crispy and delicious that my parents and I ate it last night. I just cut this part of the cake to make even slices. :)


    I also used the other accessory for toasting bread this morning. It's much easier and faster now because I can make eight of them at the same time. In the past, I can make four at a time, and I'd have to flip them. It saves time and energy, too!


    I also used the baking pan as a container for reheating our leftover viand from last night. I boiled some egg in the air fryer first and added them to our leftover, so we can share more food!

    It's fast and easy, indeed! Especially now that I have tools to help me. :D

    Thanks for checking this post out! See you around! (^^,)/

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