Thanks to PDAO (Persons with Disability Affais Office) for treated us like a family

in voilk •  4 months ago

    When it comes to my kids, I always there to support them. Even at school or other activities that they had. I've been a single mom to my eldest until I meet the father of my youngest son. My kids have differences. Baby Collin is an autism and some of you here knows it, because of my blogs. Thanks to those who leave comments when it comes to baby Collin.

    So yesterday afternoon the staff of PDAO (Persons with Disability Affairs Office) organizing a meeting to all members of PDAO. One of our neighbor tells me that my youngest son is included already for the monthly payout. Same as the senior citizen also, worth 1,500php for 3 months. As a matter of fact it's a big help also to buy some needs to my son.


    (The pink blouse is my sister Jacqueline)

    Apparently while we arrived at Feelings Village around 2pm at the Multi Purpose Hall they didn't started yet. So after we signed for an attendance we take a set to the empty chairs. I'm with my younger sister Jacqueline. Her daughter also is autism which is Precious, a 10 years old.

    (The purok officers in our barangay)

    The head of the PDAO is the one discussed about some matters about what's the benefits of a member of PDAO. I've learned a lot with it. Eventhough my son is autism but our government make a plans for our kids. Kudos to the staffs of PDAO. Honestly speaking they are really PWD. I'm proud with them because they are still a fighter even they have a disability. It's not a hindrance if you want to do something in your life. I was smiling upon staring them at the table. I know they get bullied but it makes them stranger.

    In other matters also they elect an officers in every purok. Since people knows me, so they really nominate me lol. Haiztt! Don't have choice but to be a purok treasurer hahahaha. I just smiled and thank them for voting.

    (It's baby Collin's id)

    It's been few months since my baby Collin been registered at PDAO then this March he will be included for the payout. Thanks to PDAO for treated us like a family. This is also is like a Philhealth that my son can benefit it then maybe soon it will looks like ATM as what the speaker said. Even in buying some groceries we can have a discount like a senior citizens.

    That's all for today and happy Saturday everyone. Hugs to all!

    March 2,2024
    3:49 pm

    The fighter mom,

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