Finding Balance Amidst Chaos With Me-time.

in voilk •  3 months ago

    In today's hectic and challenging world, the need for Me-time can't be quantified and I find it very important to always dedicate time for some Me-time activities that would help me relax and recharge not just physically but mentally as well. It's very easy to feel very exhausted nowadays due to the many stressful activities we engage in every day and finding a way to refuel ourselves means we place so much value on our well-being.

    Me-time is the time we set aside to relax and do the things we love that can help us rejuvenate. It can be a day or more but the impact of duration must be felt.

    Navigating through the world today has become something very tasking due to inflation and other things happening globally. Sadly, many of us have forgotten the importance of observing Me-time because we need to grind 24/7 just to pay bills, I am in no way condemning anyone because I know how it feels when the journey gets so tough and time becomes insufficient whereas it is enough for us to even carve out our Me-time.

    Creating that time might be challenging but it's very important and I believe those who understand the importance don't joke with it. Unlike many people, I don't have fixed days for my Me-time because many of my Me-time activities are part of my everyday routine, thanks to my flexible daily schedule.

    Observing Me-time is part of my self-care routine and it has made me place so much importance on it. I have passed through a stage in life where self-care wasn't important to me, I was always on the move until life taught me the importance of self-care and I still hold the lessons closely to my heart. At this stage of my life, a day wouldn't pass without me pampering myself to an extent.

    During my Me-time, I try as much as possible to engage with things that help or make me feel good physically, mentally and emotionally. I have seen people say that observing Me-time isn't complete without money which I agree and disagree with because we don't need all the money in the world to do the things we love and make us feel good.

    The majority of my Me-time activities usually don't require me to spend excessive money and as a minimalist, I have been able to make do with simple resources for my Me-time activities.

    Taking a stroll is one of my regular Me-time activities that cost me nothing more than my legs and good music. For instance, Monday started pretty well for me but I started feeling exhausted as early as 10 am. Luckily for me, the sun wasn't burning as usual so I decided to take a stroll within the neighborhood but I was finally drawn into nature and I couldn't resist because I know how rewarding it is to explore in nature.

    Less than an hour of exploring nature made me feel better and my day got back on track as it should go. Jogging, Walking or hanging out in nature is part of my Me-time activities and I love engaging with these activities because it helps me in many ways. Being able to repeat these activities consecutively for days is something I tag as a blessing because life has its way of interfering with these activities but when it's my Me-time, they become paramount.

    Engaging with craft has become something I enjoy lately and couldn't help but add it to my Me-time activities. I discovered this sometime last year and do not hesitate to work on some craft during my Me-time because it makes me feel very relaxed. I tend to forget everything happening around me and just pour my heart into the craft.

    Whether the craft turns out as expected or not, I always love the outcome because, for that period, I do experience an exceptional kind of peace that my mind craves. Engaging in craft costs me almost nothing as well because many times, it's just about recycling items.

    Cooking is another favourite Me-time activity but something is always different when I cook during my Me-time. Because it's my Me-time, I love to get my ingredients from the farm and these food items are always 100% natural, with no chemicals. Please don't think these ingredients are expensive and the truth is that they are much cheaper than many of us think.

    I have all the time in the world so why wouldn't I get my ingredients from the best places? During my Me-time, I love preparing my favourite meals and it's always satisfying.

    Creating Me-time has made me understand the essence of life to an extent. We won't be here forever and those breaks we take to do the things we love will end up as one of the most beautiful moments of our lives when we take a glance back at the past.

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