Good day everyone. Today is my 33rd Birthday and I feel old, but I'm grateful that I've reached this age after all of the struggles and fears I had, three years ago. Remember, three years ago- I gave birth. It wasn't an easy pregnancy journey because while my baby bump was two months old, I battled anxiety without medication because taking medication can give side effects to my baby. I was victorious and I thank God for that. Six months after I gave birth, I had an operation which is a gallbladder removal. I trusted everything to God and I didn't know I would survive, but I am thankful that here I am today, writing a diary.
My celebration is very simple. Festivity isn't important as long as I'm healthy, alive and my baby is also okay. My younger sister abroad sent me my favourites royal fudge cake. It's my most favourite cake that costs 800 pesos. It's layer isn't sweet, but the icing tastes like an ice-cream. Its toppings are chocolate bars that taste sugary or sweet, but a perfect combination to it's layers.
Our family friend cooked one kilo of Spaghetti for me. She put the noodles to a boiling water for five minutes and drained after. The ground pork we brought wasn't enough, so she added a corned beef in a can. She chopped hotdogs and cooked it with a sweet sauce with union and garlic. She then added sweet milk and topped it with a grated cheese.
We also had a coffee jelly. In the jelly, she poured down two sticks of real coffee until it becomes black and poured down evaporated milk as a sweetener. The mixture was set aside until it becomes jelly. Later, she looked back at the coffee mixture and it turned out to be a black jelly. She cubed the jellies and put in some cream milk and it tastes so good. The kids like it, but zoo Poinsettia didn't because she only likes milk in the feeding bottle.
Aside from a birthday royal fudge cake from my sister, she also ordered pizza for us. It was three boxes of Hawaiian pizza from Alberto's Pizza. Even if she's away from us, she can still order foods in the Philippines because she is using an app to order foods. Hawaiian pizza tastes savory and healthy.
My neighbour @cherryblossom31 came to the house to greet me with wine in her hands. The grape wine was so sweet to my mouth, but they lied to me that l won't be drunk to drink at least one glass. So I drank one glass of wine. Later, I became sleepy and dizzy. I was drunk. My Pointy was having a tantrum because she didn't get my attention. On that day, she only had 30 minutes of sleep which is inadequate in her age.
As the TV played disco music, my baby was also dancing in front. She enjoyed the music and light background. She loves dancing too. Because of the hot music, I was relaxed like a Disney Princess because she kept dancing in the living room. While her attention is on the other unimportant things, I grabbed the chance to enjoy taking a lot of gossip. Anyway, today was a tiring day. I must stop here to sleep early.