Splinterlands | Katrelba Gobson is a Sneak Master

in voilk •  3 months ago

    What’s up Splinterlands players!

    I hope all of you are doing well your life and enjoying these beautiful summer days with your loved ones. For us splinterlands players, the next couple of days will be busy with the season end end event, as only 4 days and couple of hours left for the season to reset and we will receive our share of season glint points for the overall ranked performance in this game. For me, as I shared in my last post, I have rented a decent amount of SPS delegation and also rented some max cards to boost my performance in the game. Since then I am Playing very often and finally reached into the champ league today. Now, I will be enjoying some cool SPS here if I get able to stay in champ and right now I will just focus to play defensive to protect my trophies.


    Now moving on, let me share an amazingly crafted Gladius card with you all that is very popular for its dual sneak attacks ans as you have seen him already at the thumbnail, today we will be talking about Katrelba Gobson. So Without further ado, let us jump right in. Katrelba Gobson is a special edition card called Gladius and this card can be obtained only through playing the game actually, collecting merits and buying gladius card packs with them.

    Katrelba Gobson.png

    Katrelba Gobson

    Now Katrelba is a common type card and it belongs to the Earth element. Ifs attack type is melee and the main advantage of this card is its dual attack with sneak ability that helps to kill down enemy cards on rear-end side quickly and also activates its bloodlust ability each time it kills Down an enemy card. Now, let us look into its league wise stats and abilities at below.



    At level 3, this card possesses 2 melee attack at 3 speed With 4 health and also receives 3 abilities since its initial level - Bloodlust, Sneak and Double Strike ability. While Sneak with double Strike ability will attack the rear most enemy card two times consecutive, the bloodlust ability wil unlock each each time it kills down a card and will grant him +1 to all its stats.


    AT level 5, the stats of this card gets increased further and it gets 3 melee attack at 3 speed with 4 health and apart those 3 abilities that I mentioned above, it gets another ability called Snare Which will take away the flying ability from enemy is any and will always hit flying cards.


    When you upgrade this monster to level 8, it possesses 3 melee attack at 5 speed with 5 health but it does not get any new ability at this stage. My own Kat is level 8 right now and very useful against max level cards whileI play in diamond or champ.


    Finally when your Kat gets upgraded to level 10, it gets a whooping 4 melee attack at 5 speed with 5 health and also gets the Ripple ability from level 9. With this new ability, now it will reduce -1 of the enemy card’s max health on every hit.

    Battle Link


    This I was just playing hard to cross The Champ league border and played this match exactly when I was with exactly 3700 trophies. I got a medium 25 mana limit match with all but Dragon elements active for the play. There were 3 rulesets - Divine Shield - ok all monsters that makes first hit unable to damage, Snipe - All magic and ranged attackers gets the sniper ability and also Ripple ability to all monsters.


    After a thought, I decided to go with sneak attack with leveraging this match’s Sniper ability to place martyr cards in between my sneak cards to boost them even further. In my lineup, I chose the Earth Reward summoner Lobb Lowland that allows me to select 1 Gladius card and then I chose Hill Giant my front front place followed by Venari Marksrat, Our main card Kat, Fungus Flinger, Uraeus and Chaos Agent the last position.

    When the lineups got revealed, I found out that my opponent has also chosen same Lobb summoner to suumoner the same Kat and his front is defended by Fungus Fiend followed by Lurking Puffer, Thane Newsong, Kat, Uraeus and Venari Scout at the end position.



    As the match started, I just got blown out seeing my Chaos Agent dodging multiple Attacks and giving return damage to attackers which made half of my job done already. It wounded both the enemy sneak attackers in the first round while I killed down his Scout. Next round the enemy Kat again missed both of it’s attacks and got dead by receiving reverse damage. The Enemy Uraeus then finally hit the Agent and also applied poison upon it but it was my turn next and I killed down his uraeus.


    When it come to third round no attackers were there in the enemy lineup and I easily took down the rest enemy cards by of my sneak attacker cards snd easily scored a victory here. The Agent worked marvellously well and no monsters if my side died in this whole Match so I indeed a powerful lineup this time.

    I hope you liked watching the match that I hared above and also enjoyed reading my post. Let me know your thoughts about this beast card in the comment section below and I will be seeing you all again in my next post.

    Wish you all good luck on all of your future Splinterlands matches.

    Thanks for visiting my post, Please come again!
    Stay well and keep playing Splinterlands

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    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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