Splinterlands Weekly Challenge Battle BATTLE MAGE SECRETS! Keep Your Distance with the Void ability

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Every week there is a Splinterlands challenge to share a rule set using a specific card and on this week's post it is a battle with the Keep Your Distance rule set. I also encourage Splinterlands players to partake in the challenge because you get to try different strategies and earn some crypto in the process.

    Rule set, Battle and Plan

    rule set.png

    The ruleset this time is Silenced Summoner and Keep Your Distance. This means that summoners do not grant effects and no melee monsters can be used. There is also 43 mana available and I am left with the choice of water, life, or death splinter.

    The summoner I chose to use this time is Bortus. I don't get summoner effects so I used this summoner for the low mana cost and to increase my level cap for monsters.

    SplinterMana CostPositionReason
    Djinn Oshannus81stVoid and Phase
    Baakjira62ndVoid, slow and strengthen
    Daarg Deadblast73rdWeapons Training and Swiftness
    Merdaali Guardian34thTank heal
    Nerissa Tridawn95th
    Axemaster76thDouble Strike
    Total Mana:43

    I plan to use Djinn Oshannus as my tank for the void and phase ability. Then I have Baakjira as a backup tank because of void, slow and strengthen to support my team. After that is Daarg Deadblast for weapons training. Following that is Merdaali Guardian with tank heal to keep my frontline alive. Then I have some damage dealers after.

    Round 1

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    At first glance, I think that this is an even match. It's going to be a fight over who can kill off the monsters faster enough and the repair plus protect combination will reduce my ranged damage. Either way, it will be a long match as we have void monsters near the front on both sides.

    Round 4

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    I lost my tank but my opponent has lost half of his tank's health. It's not looking that great for me as my backup tank is already taking quite a bit of damage.

    Round 5

    round 4.png
    I didn't miss any attacks and I was able to finally take out the Djinn Oshannus on my opponent's side. I think my chances are getting higher but anything can happen.

    Round 6

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    I didn't miss again but this match is my win now. I can heal up all the damage that my opponent does and my monsters are faster. So there is no chance for my opponent now.

    A few rounds later, I won the match as I expected.


    The battle went as I expected. Using void monsters up front lets my tanks live long enough for my backline to deal enough damage. I am glad that I went with a good ranged monster because Djinn Oshannus would have been a pain to defeat otherwise. Other than that, my support abilities created a speed difference and this worked to my advantage. Being able to attack first and dodge more attacks will always be useful.

    You can see my entire match here.

    What did you think of my match? Was there anything you would have done differently? I think it is quite interesting to see how different players play in a ruleset.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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