are we forgetting our heritage and things are changing very fast

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hello again it's my second day I hope you will enjoy reading.

    Things are Changing very fast around us Most of us are forgetting our old culture and other things because most of us are only busy with the digital world and you all are happy or maybe not. Everyone is finding things online and most of them feel sad if they didn't find it and are depressed about it. The problem is we are not sharing things with others most of us are trying to be something else which we are not. In the past, we all used to celebrate festivals and other things together and used to be very happy when the festivals came but now things are missing from our life.


    Things are not the same as they used to be when I was a child I used to celebrate all the festivals with joy and I used to celebrate them with my friends and we planned many things for the festivals. I think that part is missing in my life now stop the time I am busy with my work and other things don't have enough time to celebrate if any festival comes I do try busy in my world. I think this is a big issue because if you will forget our heritage and other things then one day we will miss out on our life and tally from the world as well. Many are trying to restore the things of our culture and heritage but they are not getting enough support to accomplish they are goals completely.

    I believe financially many things changed after COVID-19 everyone is talking about investment in stocks, share markets, crypto, and many other things I am not a good investor that is what I believe. But old ways of financial investment have changed a lot that time has gone when people had to wait to open their demat accounts for weeks now you can open your demat account in a few minutes with your smartphone It is a good thing and people did cat involved in many kinds of traps due to the fast things which are going around us. The new financial system is good but we have to be safe and secure this is our responsibility no other one is responsible if you get hacked or you get scammed online this is very common these days try to be safe and secure.


    I believe biologically many things are changing around us most of us are becoming fat and most of our very fit but mentally we are dealing with a lot of things I believe biologically in a few years many things are going to change and one of them will be people will be surrounded by so many diseases they will not care about themselves because most of us are eating packaged food and that is not good should try to eat as much as organic food and try to get away from the packaging foods that is making slowly slowly.

    So these are my thoughts on the topic today I hope these are relatable thanks I am trying to be regular let's see what will happen. you can join the Leo April contest from the link below.

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    stay tuned for more fantastic Content

    -------stay safe and be motivated-----------

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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