It's Always Darkest Before The Dawn

in voilk •  4 months ago

    It was an almost inconceivable idea at first -- a dream, nothing more. Like when someone tells you that their dream is to be a singer; might as well keep dreamin'~ But little by little, day by day, the dream is becoming easier to grasp. Come this time next month, we will finally be living in a motorhome...

    They say that it always darkest before the dawn; well that's exactly how it went down for us.

    It was another big argument, one of those arguments that sticks out in your mind years later. Relationships have plenty of disagreements and miscommunications, but the big arguments are ones that define the relationship -- they will either make, or break you.

    Again, this was one of them. I was laying on my Grandma's pullout couch for the second night in a row, alone, debating if things would actually improve this time around, yet missing my family with all of my being...

    Perspective is everything; experiencing separation as the child is depressing, but experiencing it as the parent is soul-crushing... You feel lost because your family is your entire life, pining for all of the moments you are missing with them. And unlike the child, you don't have anyone to guide you through the next step. It's a very dark place...

    I went back home. We both agreed to stay committed and keep improving. And almost immediately, the Universe rewarded us.

    For starters, my Grandma gave me $100 (all in change 😂), with the message of, "I know that money can put stress on a relationship; I hope this helps a bit."

    My Mom and I ended up having an emotional breakdown together, after nearly a decade of walking on eggshells. Of course I recognize that everybody is struggling the same as we are, but to hear my Mom tell me that she's going into her third divorce, is over $10,000 in debt, and has "never been happy" truly breaks my heart. I've always heard the sentiment of, "I wanna buy my mom a house, I wanna make sure she's taken care of and never has to worry about anything again;" it was the first time in my life where that thought resonated with me. I want my Mama to be happy...

    I communicated with my mother-in-law for the first time in forever. I stopped solely placing the blame on her, took a hard look at myself, and apologized for my behavior. She shouldn't be made to feel like a stranger in her own home. Things aren't perfect, but they have improved since then.

    My Dad emailed to tell me that he had "remembered me talking about the RVs awhile back," and that he wants to contribute $6,000 to our funds. This took a great deal of weight off my shoulders. My Dad has always been extremely reliable, and I know his word is his bond.

    My husband's work has been improving, both on Hive and YouTube -- his most recent video accumulated nearly 5,000 views in 48 hours!! 🎉

    And of course, the halving is coming.

    I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, at the right time, because right as everything is coming together, of course there is only one thing missing: the RV 😂 Of course the market is completely dry at the moment -- any RVs available have either been listed months ago (for good reason 😰), or are located in another province 😅 This means that our perfect RV will be listed and waiting for us between now and when we're ready to leave.

    I imagine it will have everything that we've been looking for, everything we've been stressing about. It won't be too big -- just big enough (that's what she said). It won't have more than 250,000 KM on it. It may need some work, but nothing too serious. It will have all of the cozy interior touches we've been searching for. Most importantly, it will be located within our area, for a decent price.

    This has been a dream of over 4 years in the making. We had some unforeseen circumstances (pregnancy #1 and #2 😄), but now that we are focused on getting out of here, I know that this is happening soon...

    Wish us luck everybody!! 🤞🙏🙇‍♀️

    There's no road here! 😫 I asked AI to create an image, and all I could think of is that scene from The Office

    (Image created using an AI art generator on Night Cafe)

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