True to yourself or honest... what a big dilemma!

in voilk •  3 months ago


    I wish the few honest people were all gathered in one city. Then I would be very happy to leave my hermitage to go and live with them, if they wanted to welcome me into their company. Although, in fact, I shun the multitude due to the number of insolent and importunate people one encounters there, I never stop thinking that the greatest good in life is to enjoy the conversation of people who respect one another.


    I publish the post of this Weekend Experience extraordinarily on a Saturday, yesterday I preferred to publish the second part of the article started on Friday so as not to cause anyone who took the trouble to read it to lose the thread.

    I'm actually basically posting on Sunday!

    As always, the topics to be discussed are many and all very beautiful, I have chosen to talk about honesty and being true to oneself.
    I decided to take this as food for thought because you can go very deep and the thoughts you can have can have a thousand different faces and facets.

    In my life I have always thought that being true to oneself is very important and I have always tried to do so, but naturally I have set limits for myself that I will never overcome.

    Sometimes being true to yourself can become an excuse to do things you shouldn't and clear your conscience by clinging to a justification that seems sensible.

    I have already spoken in past posts about honesty and how important it is to me, it is one of the fundamental values of my life, I would say a cornerstone.
    This is probably due to the fact that I live in one of the regions that is a cathedral of dishonesty from many points of view, I have always loved identifying myself as one of the last bastions of honesty and legality in these desolate lands.

    Naturally I'm not really the last bastion since in my city and in my region there are many honest people but, as we know, the dishonest always catches the eye.

    When to be true to yourself you have to question an important value such as honesty or perhaps a strong feeling of love, I believe you are making a mistake due to too much rigidity.

    I have always thought that flexibility and fluidity are important in life, water is the best example of a disruptive force that exists, sometimes it shapes itself, sometimes it simply floods, swallowing everything.

    I believe there is no reason in the world to perform certain actions, so this also applies to being true to yourself; if we commit terrible acts or bad actions with the excuse that we have to do it because we are like this, because we have to be coherent, because we have to be faithful to ourselves we are simply demonstrating gross ignorance.

    What does it actually mean to be true to yourself?

    Everything flows and everything changes and this also applies to each of us, so we can be faithful to ourselves in this moment which however could be different from what will be there in a few hours and therefore things would conflict and at this point a conflict would be created. “infidelity,” if you know what I mean with my pun.

    If your personality and your ideas are stuck at when you were eighteen and you justify it by disguising it as coherence you have a problem, being still and immobile is the worst thing that can happen in life and there is no excuse that justifies this state of torpor .

    You will therefore understand that, since I see it this way, surely between honesty and being true to oneself I will always choose the first option without any regret or remorse and I will also be proud of having done so.

    I'm not even worried about the fact that someone might accuse me of inconsistency, in fact it really doesn't bother me.
    The way I see it is similar to when you apologize, there is nothing more difficult than admitting you were wrong and asking for forgiveness, or at least that's what they say; in the same way I believe that it is very difficult to have to go against your personality, against your way of being and sometimes even against your principles, but if you do it to keep yourself honest there is nothing wrong and in fact as I see it io is a demonstration of great strength and courage!

    Well for today I'll stop here, as always it was a beautiful reflection that arose from the ideas given by Galen; Maybe I wrote a little less than usual, but it's the weekend and so it's right to take some time to do something else, such as playing with Samuele!

    Thanks as always for coming this far, let me know what you think about this reflection of mine, you know it's very important to me.

    I hug you!

    "Yes, I too was born among men. I had never seen the Jungle. They passed me food from behind bars in an iron container until one night I felt that I was Bagheera, the Panther, and not a toy for men, and I broke the stupid lock with my paw and went away; and because I had learned the wiles of men, I became more terrible in the Jungle than Shere Khan.”

    The texts are translated with simultaneous translators; for the avoidance of doubt I have decided that they will all be translated exclusively with Google Translate.
    Of course, English is not my first language but I try, forgive any mistakes and imperfections of Translate.

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