Something Was Bugging Me, It's a Mecha Noxic! [Holozing Fanart]

in voilk •  4 days ago

    A Mecha Noxic Appeared!

    Hi guys, I just wanted to share this fan artwork for a Holozing creature. Drew this last night after seeing @julsdraws' previous Holozing fanarts. I just got inspired and had to draw.

    I like making this mecha because one of my hobbies is collecting and drawing Gundams.

    Came across Noxic, and I had to reimagine, "What if Noxic is a mobile suit?". This is what I came up with:

    mechanoxic 15.PNG

    Noxic is Larvie's evolved version and has these gorgeous wings. The mobile suit version is loosely based on a Gundam called Hi-Nu, which also has a wing set with weapons called funnels.


    I used Photoshop alone on this artwork. I started off with a sketch for the design, starting with the head and upper torso. It's nice that Noxic's antennas already looks like a Gundam's v-fin.

    mechanoxic 1.PNG

    Then I added the lower torso and part of the waist. As well as the arms and armors around it (which I transformed into shields).

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    Added legs and finished sketching the waist armors and shoulder armors. As well as the basic silhouette for the amazing wings.

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    I made the sketch lines lighter grey and warped it a bit to get the proportions I like.

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    After being satisfied with the proportions of this Mecha Noxic, I started doing the actual linework for it. Started off with the head and upper torso again.

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    Then one leg and the waist details were added after. I didn't mirror the legs for this one as I wanted the artwork to be on a less static pose. As you can see one of the waist armor is raised up a bit.

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    Proceeded to finishing the linework for the legs and lower torso. One of the legs is raised up a bit. I also drew the lines for the shoulder, arms, and wings on this part.

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    I decided to just duplicate the linework for the arm and wing part and just flip it horizontally and placed it on the left to complete the linework.

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    I started adding a background color (opted for blue), and shaded the actual Mecha Noxic with green, so I can just apply a clipping mask for the other colors.

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    Added a few more flat colors. Based it on the actual Noxic colors; pink, yellow, and brown. Then added the oranges and reds on the following image.

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    I wanted the bottom wings' protruding parts to stand out more and making them blank looks too plain. So I added some glowing lines on them.

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    After that I added so/e lighter gradients to some colors like the greens and oranges. Started adding shadows to some parts too.

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    On this stage, I finished adding the shadows for our fanart Mecha Noxic, but it doesn't look finished at all.

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    Finally, I added some more details like decals and particle effects on some areas. Changed a few colors as well (saturation and contrasts).

    And we have our new mobile suit Gundam ver Noxic!

    mechanoxic 15.PNG

    What @holozing creature should we mechanize next?

    Thanks! Hope you like it!

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