VIBES - WEB 3 Music Competition semana # 1, Cancion original "Pasion prohibida"

in voilk •  5 months ago

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    Hola amigos de la comunidad #vibes, una gran alegria ver este concurso musical, VIBES - WEB 3 Music Competition semana # 1, mi nombre de usuario es @betzaelcorvo, siempre he estado buscando sonidos y estilos musicales para aprender cada dia mas, me gusta hacer mis presentaciones con multiples pantallas de videos, para asi compartir con mis amigos un formato mas completo de la cancion, hoy quiero participar con una cancion de mi autoria personal, con un tema que lleva por titulo "Pasion Prohibida" una cancion con ese matiz melancolico y sublime, para este tema musical quise darle un sonido "Rock Anglo de principio de los loa años 1990" con ese toque novedoso que se hizo tendencia en aquellos años, la canción tiene esos bloques diferentes en donde la parte del coro toma fuerza gracias a la distorsión de la primera guitarra, es increible lo que podemos hacer con estas tecnologias de audio y video digital, que estan a la disposicion de todo aquel que tenga una computadora o celular de alta gama, mi intencion es motivar a mis amigos que si se motivan a mejorar sus videos y audios con estos sistemas, podran obtener grabaciones y ediciones mas completas y poco a poco mejorar cada dia, se despide su compañero musical deseandoles a todos muchos éxitos.

    Hello friends of the #vibes community, a great joy to see this musical contest, VIBES - WEB 3 Music Competition week # 1, my username is @betzaelcorvo, I have always been looking for musical sounds and styles to learn more every day, I like it make my presentations with multiple video screens, in order to share with my friends a more complete format of the song, today I want to participate with a song of my personal authorship, with a song titled "Pasion Prohibida" a song with that nuance melancholic and sublime, for this musical theme I wanted to give it a sound "Anglo Rock from the beginning of the 1990s" with that novel touch that became a trend in those years, the song has those different blocks where the chorus part gains strength thanks to the distortion of the first guitar, it is incredible what we can do with these digital audio and video technologies, which are available to anyone who has a high-end computer or cell phone. My intention is to motivate my friends who do. They are motivated to improve their videos and audios with these systems, they will be able to obtain more complete recordings and editions and little by little improve each day, their musical partner says goodbye, wishing them all much success.

    "Pasion Prohibida"

    Musica y Letra por @betzaelcorvo

    Dulce pasion,
    Eclipsa mi mente hoy
    Errante soy yo

    Te olvidaras del dia
    que hoy paso
    Hacia tu olvido yo voy

    Ya te vas pasion
    Sin recordar tu amor

    Ya te vas pasion
    Sin recordar mi amor

    Sin mas que hablar
    me ahogue en tu nidal
    Mi resplandor brillo

    Ya te vas pasion
    Sin recordar tu amor

    Ya te vas pasion
    Sin recordar mi amor

    "Forbidden passion"

    Music and Lyrics by @betzaelcorvo

    Sweet Passion,
    eclipse my mind today
    Wandering am I

    You will forget the day
    what happened today
    Towards your oblivion I go

    You're leaving passion
    Without remembering your love

    You're leaving passion
    Without remembering my love

    Without more to talk
    I drowned in your nest
    My glow shine

    You're leaving passion
    Without remembering your love

    You're leaving passion
    Without remembering my love

    Menciones en este video: @sayury, @juanmolina, @luisfe, @yujomar, @elioe, @carmenrivas , @leomolina, @raymondelaparra, @emocomun, @untaljames, @jennylu,

    vives 1.JPG


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