He will ask, why are you behaving like this babes?, your mood was okay last I checked, why the switch of mood huh?, what's my offense? is it because if what I said? all being curious and inquisitive to know what's wrong but to no no avail your response will be No! nothing is wrong in that I am fine. it is just mood swings. if he tries to press deeper like asking more questions to know what's really the problem, there she goes with responding in a rude way, making use of all her pitch; Ah, ah I said it is nothing ni; I am fine ohh can't you see. meanwhile there is something going on deep down.
See Miss Esther, I didn't like what you said out there for real I didn't like it, seriously do not like it. I was so pained and hurt with the choice of words you made use of, please refrain yourself from using em on me. Carefully, select your words before speaking. Mimo spoke her mind while trying to correct her. Miss Mimo, I am so sorry for the words I used earlier on; I had no idea that it will hurt you, please forgive me of my ignorance and I won't make use of it again. I am so sorry that I hurt you, Miss Esther apologized. So easy right, it because they communicated how they felt and apologized too.
Some will tell you, I am not that expressive to tell you what's on my mind, can't even tell you what you said about me or they will be taking blames always cause they don't know how to communicate. some will be accused but can't say that they are innocent.
Yeah we talk everyday but do we communicate?
can you sense your partner's, friend's mood over a text?. How are you isn't just a question that requires the normal answer. it's a question that inquire about your true state of well being.
you see, communication is the key to everything, everyone including animals communicate. At thus, it plays a crucial role in our existence to the community at large.
In my view, communication is an act of passing a feeling, action, emotions through the use of words and some kind of body language. it is far more than talking to each other. you talk constantly doesn't mean you communicate. oh yeah, you still can't communicate your feelings, express yourself to your parents, sibling, partner and friends etc,all you can say to them when asked is I am good or I am fine but you're not.
Don't hide it. Learn how to communicate, tell them how you truly feel, tell them their wrong to their face not in their absence, tell them the truth even if it gonna hurt, defend and prove your innocence. Learn to speak, if you're hurt by your partner or your circle of friend's choice of words or action, don't conceal it by telling them its fine. Express that part of emotion to them. Even if you're angry, don't vent it in a violent way, be wise when expressing your anger; even the Bible said "BE ANGRY, BUT SIN NOT".
Watch your tone while communicating too.
I hope you learnt something from my marble today?